
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.elektronikaładowarka do akumulatorków AAARe: ładowarka do akumulatorków AAA
  • Data: 2020-03-23 09:06:46
    Temat: Re: ładowarka do akumulatorków AAA
    Od: Paweł Pawłowicz <pawel.pawlowicz13@gmailDOTcom> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    W dniu 22.03.2020 o 20:40, Grzegorz pisze:
    > a co powiecie nt
    > ?

    oCharger will not restart when voltage drops.
    oNiMH is always charged at 0.5A
    The buttons can be used to change what is displayed, but do not affect
    the charging. Current selection depends on slot used and number of
    batteries. The default charge current for 1 or 2 cells is 1A, this is
    rather high for small cells. To fix this always put at least 3 batteries
    in the charger when charging
    This is a fairly simple charger to use with no selections, but this also
    means it is a bit difficult to charge small cells with the correct
    current (There must be 3 batteries in the charger). Restricting the 2A
    current to a specific slot, means that it is always possible to charge a
    single cell at 1A.

    I to by było na tyle.

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