
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingRe: from blocking to nonblocking serverRe: from blocking to nonblocking server
  • Data: 2017-12-05 23:46:44
    Temat: Re: from blocking to nonblocking server
    Od: fir <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    W dniu wtorek, 5 grudnia 2017 17:32:33 UTC+1 użytkownik fir napisał:
    > his is offtopic but maybe someone here will/would know
    > i dont like to read a weeks on tcp and sockets as this is a lot and confusing
    > (i prefer this time to spend on c/graphics etc)
    > i got some old tcp-server (on winapi winsock2) code, that worked but it was
    > not tested/inspected for being ok and was yet only working in blocking mode
    > the code goes
    > int SetupBlockingWinsockServer()
    > {
    > WSADATA wsaData;
    > WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData);
    > /// Creating socket
    > servSock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
    > SOCKADDR_IN sin;
    > sin.sin_family = PF_INET;
    > sin.sin_port = htons(1111);
    > sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    > //bind
    > int retVal = bind(servSock, (LPSOCKADDR)&sin, sizeof(sin));
    > /// Trying to listen socket
    > retVal = listen(servSock, 10);
    > // Waiting for a client
    > ServClientSock = accept(servSock, NULL, NULL); return
    > }
    > (i skipped the few lines of retvalue checking for errors for clarity)
    > my goal is just to turn it to non blocking without a lot of work but i would like
    to know this is ok
    > i checked experimentally via message boxes that it "blocks" on accept call
    > (block may be euphemism a bit here as it hang real hard, when no client is run then
    not only hourglass-pointer is shown, not only app gets fully unresponsible and non
    redraws itself but even closing it form task manager is hard, its possible but takes
    few seconds to kill)
    > what i did :
    > i added some line thet is supposed to set socked as nonblocked and move accept to
    separate function which i call then periodically (from run frame event)
    > int SetupBlockingWinsockServer()
    > {
    > WSADATA wsaData;
    > WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData);
    > /// Creating socket
    > servSock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
    > SOCKADDR_IN sin;
    > sin.sin_family = PF_INET;
    > sin.sin_port = htons(1111);
    > sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
    > //bind
    > int retVal = bind(servSock, (LPSOCKADDR)&sin, sizeof(sin));
    > /// Trying to listen socket
    > retVal = listen(servSock, 10);
    > // set no blocking
    > u_long no_block=1;
    > ioctlsocket(servSock,FIONBIO,&no_block);
    > }
    > int WaitForClientAccept()
    > {
    > /// Waiting for a client
    > ServClientSock = accept(servSock, NULL, NULL);
    > if(ServClientSock == INVALID_SOCKET) return 0;
    > u_long no_block=1;
    > ioctlsocket(ServClientSock,FIONBIO,&no_block);
    > return 1;
    > }
    > this last one is as i said run periodically on server app frame and when it return
    1 (it means it gett accepted connection?) i flag out both server code to not call it
    more and
    > client not to send more connections
    > it seem to work but as this is my
    > own slight experimentation only i would like to get pproval/confirmation
    > that this is in fact ok
    > is this ok or is there something wrong with it?
    > (btw as a side questions, do i need those flaging out here, or if i connected i
    could not bother for flaging out more sendings for connections and checks for
    incomming connections? (i know it would be wastefull maybe to send it still 50 times
    a second after connection was accepted but besides this waste would it work? (if that
    would be work maybe sending it once a second would work as
    > automatic connection reboval when something would get disconnected?)
    > tnx for answer if someone know whats goin on in that sockets/winsock, i got not
    much time for that
    > (fir)

    moge dodac ze to chyba dziala ok
    - za to przelaczenie connecta w
    kliencie na nie-blokujacy chyba nie da sie tak prosto zrobic a nie
    moge nigdzie w google znalezc gotowego kodu jak to zrobic
    (a czytac o tym kilka/nascie/dziesiat godzin nie mam jakos checi bo to straszne

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