
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingdo napisania prosty programRe: do napisania prosty program
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    From: A.L. <>
    Newsgroups: pl.comp.programming
    Subject: Re: do napisania prosty program
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    Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 11:38:11 -0500
    Xref: pl.comp.programming:185885
    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    On Tue, 29 Jun 2010 10:51:29 +0200, Wit Jakuczun
    <> wrote:

    >W dniu 2010-06-29 10:46, Stachu 'Dozzie' K. pisze:
    >> On 2010-06-29, Wit Jakuczun<> wrote:
    >>> W dniu 2010-06-28 22:26, tommy pisze:
    >>>> Poszukuje kogoś kto napisałby prosty program.
    >>>> Działanie programu:
    >>>> sczytuje
    >>> Szczytuje???
    >> Oczywiście. Słyszałeś kiedyś o seksie przez internet? Program ma
    >> automatyzować ten proces.
    >O seksie nie :)

    Proponuje poglabic wiedze. To jest najnowszy trend w komputerologii:

    Teledildonics (also known as "cyberdildonics") are electronic sex toys
    that can be controlled by a computer.[1] Promoters of these devices
    have claimed since the 1980s they are the "next big thing" in cybersex
    technology.[2] "Teledildonics" can also refer to the integration of
    telepresence with sex that these toys make possible -- the term was
    coined in 1975 by Ted Nelson[3] in his Computer Lib/Dream Machines.

    In its original conception, this technology was to have been used for
    remote sex (or, at least, remote mutual masturbation), where the
    physical sensations of touch could be transmitted over a data link
    between the participants.

    Sex toys that can be manipulated remotely by another party are
    currently coming onto the market.[4] These toys sometimes come with
    prerecorded movies to which the toys' actions are synchronized by
    means of a previously-written script. Other products being released
    fit a new category called bluedildonics, which allow a sex toy to be
    controlled remotely via a Bluetooth connection.


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