
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingcode for flushing imports to .idata in exeRe: code for flushing imports to .idata in exe
  • Data: 2017-08-19 17:40:49
    Temat: Re: code for flushing imports to .idata in exe
    Od: fir <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    W dniu sobota, 19 sierpnia 2017 15:22:46 UTC+2 użytkownik fir napisał:
    > I think i need some code that would work like
    > that
    > AddImportsForModule("KERNEL32.DLL", "ExitProcess", "GetModuleHandleA",
    > AddImportsForModule("msvcrt.dll", "fopen", "free", "printf", "exit", "fclose",
    > well maybe it would be more like
    > char* import_names[] = {"fopen", "free", "printf", "exit", "fclose", "fread");
    > AddImportsForModule("msvcrt.dll", import_names);
    > but this is detail
    > the code just need to build binary block of .idata section that i can flush to exe
    > when flushing exe to disk in my assembler
    > im howewer a bit confused how weirdly this .idata binary is build, so maybe some
    hints on that?
    > btw some best info i found on this topic is here
    > or around here, so if someone would like to focus on this and give me some hints
    may use it
    > tnx

    after contemplating that sht for a while

    it seems to me that i need to do such things
    (say i got N modules of import)

    - flush N of those 40-byte-long module describing records and finish it with zero

    - flush N module names

    - flush so called ILT and IAT for each module (slightly confused here)

    - flush all function names (intermixed with 'hints')

    would it be all? if so it seems less confusing i previously thought (though those
    import-adding-api should be redefined as i need to build a wholle collection before
    flushing it in last step

    somethink like

    AddImport("KERNEL32.DLL", "ExitProcess");
    AddImport("KERNEL32.DLL", "GetModuleHandleA");
    AddImport("KERNEL32.DLL", "GetProcAddress");

    AddImport("msvcrt.dll", "fopen");
    AddImport("msvcrt.dll", "free");
    AddImport("msvcrt.dll", "printf");
    AddImport("msvcrt.dll", ""exit");
    AddImport("msvcrt.dll", "fclose");
    AddImport("msvcrt.dll", "fread");


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