
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.elektronikabezprzewodowy przesył obrazu... z wodyRe: bezprzewodowy przesył obrazu... z wody
  • Data: 2013-12-04 01:01:56
    Temat: Re: bezprzewodowy przesył obrazu... z wody
    Od: sundayman <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    Jiang and Georgakopoulos conducted a study of the EM wave propagation in
    fresh water for frequencies between 23 kHz and 1 GHz. This work presents
    two analyses on electromagnetic waves. On one hand, the authors measured
    the transmission loss given by the reflection at the air-water interface
    and, on the other hand, they analyzed the propagation loss inside the
    water due to its physical properties. They conclude that the propagation
    loss increases slowly for frequencies up to 1 MHz, while it remains
    constant between 1 MHz to 100 MHz and then increases dramatically for
    higher frequencies. In addition, the total loss in the 3-100 MHz
    frequency range, for a depth of 1 m, is from 10 dB to 45 dB smaller than
    the loss in lower and higher frequencies. Finally, they tested a
    half-wavelength loop antenna operating at 100 MHz inside fresh water and
    they concluded that a diameter of only 5.3 cm is needed for the antenna.

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