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Subject: Re: (bardzo długie) jak stracic pieniądze i nie miec motocykla...
From: Hassan Raza <h...@g...com>
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]On Friday, October 7, 2005 at 10:01:24 PM UTC+5, Maciek wrote:
> Witam,
> Znalazłem w sieci coś takiego :
> http://www.motoscout24.autoscout24.de/Public/Detail.
> Atrakcyjne ? ...
> Dla mnie owszem... Zadzwoniłem i .. głucho...
> Wysłałem emila.
> Jako, że niemieckiego ni w ząb - poprosiłem o odpowiedź w j.angielskim...
> " saw you speak englesh.Mr.Maciej to this time the bike is already to a
> shipping company GLOBAL-EXPEDITIONS.
> The only way how we can closed deal is through the shipping company as safe
> trade.You will have betwen 10 and 20 days to check the bike.In this time you
> will have an pre-contract on the bike papers.
> If you are agreat to do closed deal go to the company web site
> www.global-expeditionsonline.com and registered there.
> I will wish as in 2 days to have the deal closed,because I wish to buy a car
> next week.
> Please contact me aspa and tell me if do you wish to closed deal.
> Have a great day,Sir!"
> No cóż ... z ręki do ręki - to mi odpowiadało a nie jakieś tam... więc
> napisałem, że wolę sam odebrać moto.
> A on :
> " would be happy to meat you and get money cash from you,but tomorrow I will
> be in New York City.I did buy the bike from Germany,but is registered in
> UK... " etc..
> "...And don't worry about the transport,because the shipping company is paid
> for the transport to Poland,I've paid only euro 200.
> Let me know if we closed deal through this safe trade shipping company...."
> A co mi tam... zarejestrowałem się podając tylko swoje dane i emila
> sprzedającego... Po kilkunastu minutach przyszła odpowiedź zawierająca pełne
> dane sprzedającego, oraz dane towaru umieszczonego (dane motocykla były
> pełniejsze niż podane na motoscout`cie).
> Przyszedł także mail:
> " Steps:
> . 1.The bike is taken by Global-Expeditions.com and the delivery is
> starting.
> . 2. The buyer makes a payment of EUR 3,400 as a deposite for the
> shipping
> of the bike.
> The deposite of EUR 3,400.00 will be sent to one of our payment
> agents.
> He will place the deposite into a trust account at one of our
> banks untill the buyer receives the bike and test it.He will not
> release
> the money or forward the money to the seller until the buyer confirms
> to us that he wants to hold the bike.
> The deposite is not going to the seller.The deposite is going to
> We will keep the deposite until you receive and test the
> bike!
> Please send the deposite of EUR 3,400.00 for your bike
> delivery. Pay using wire transfer via Western Union in association with
> You should send payment to our payments agent details:
> F/L name: Gilbert Arnold
> Address:MEHRINGDAMM 47
> City: BERLIN
> Zip code: 10961
> Country: GERMANY
> To transfer the payment using Western Union wire transfer please go to
> your local PostBank that has Western Union office.
> This is our payment agent (Gilbert Arnold) who will confirm and hold
> your
> payment until you receive and test the bike.
> After the transfer is complete please send the transfer details at
> o...@g...com .To confirm the transfer we need:
> -MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number).
> -Secret Question,Secret Answer
> -Money Senders Name and address
> As soon as the transfer is completed you can begin step 2.
> If you have any questions please call us at 00447040124832,
> 0013476245247 or E-mail
> us
> o...@g...com .
> . 3. We bring the bike to the buyer .
> The bike will arrive at the buyers address in max 4 days.With all
> papers
> and keys.
> . 4. The buyer receives the bike.And test the bike for the inspection
> period
> The buyer will have to contact GLOBAL-EXPEDITIONS if he wants to keep
> the
> bike or not.
> a)If the buyer wants to keep the bike he will have to send the balance
> of the payment to the seller and our payment agent will send the EUR
> 3,400 -
> WesternUnion taxes to.The seller has agree with this type of payment.
> b)If the buyer rejects the bike and he does not want to purchase it
> payment agent will return the buyer deposite of EUR 3,400 -
> WesternUnion taxes in max 12 hours and the bike will be taken back to
> the seller.
> Buyer must contact GLOBAL-EXPEDITIONS at
> o...@g...com with
> his decision.
> At the end of the process the buyer and the seller are both happy
> even if the sale didn't go thru.
> Sent GLOBAL-EXPEDITIONS Delivery and Buyer Protection
> service !
> (c) Copyright 2005 by Global-Expeditions Deutschland GmbH. Alle
> Rechte
> vorbehalten |"
> Sprzedałem swoją Niunię (Virago 1100 ` 95 - przy czym popłakałem się jak
> bóbr...) i ... poleciałem wysłać 3400 Euro pod wskazany adres Western
> Union...
> ....dalej nie będę pisał bo serce mi wyje, żona płacze ...
> ...sprawdziłem adresy, uruchomiłem znajomych w Niemcowni i w Anglii i ...
> lipa.... niestety po tym jak im wysłałem pieniądze...
> telefon głuchy... agent odebrał niby tylko 48 Euro... potwierdzenie odbioru
> jest na 3400 Euro...
> w miedzyczasie pojawiło się na motoscoucie kilkanaście fajnych cen na
> Harley`e... także jakaś lipna strona... PRZESTRZEGAM !
> Maciek (WROC)
> I proszę mnie nie dobijać...
> Napisałem - bo może kogoś kopnę w tyłek..
> https://lkwfee.de/sattelzugmaschinen/
> https://lkwfee.de/lkw/
> https://malertech.de/
> https://malertech.de/Kontaktiere-uns/
> https://malertech.de/AGB/
> https://lkwfee.de/transporter-ankauf/
> https://lkwfee.de/wohnmobil-ankauf/
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