
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingRe: back to assemblyRe: back to assembly
  • Data: 2020-01-02 21:39:13
    Temat: Re: back to assembly
    Od: fir <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    W dniu niedziela, 29 grudnia 2019 03:06:34 UTC+1 użytkownik fir napisał:
    > i got so terrible problems last half of year i was like unable to concentrate on
    coding, still not feeling well to be honest but i think maybe i can back for a while
    > the idea is to maybe upbuild (build it up) my assembler (so called organic
    assembler) so maybe i will show that project and maybe some more specific
    questions/topics will appear
    > vurrent version to download:
    > (for windows32, i mean it runs as win32 console tool and assembles win32
    > i added some example pice of asm code in it
    > as sorta example how to use it
    > main:
    > call test_1M_loop
    > call test_1M_loop
    > call test_1M_loop
    > call test_1M_loop
    > call test_1M_loop
    > call test_1M_loop
    > call test_1M_loop
    > call test_1M_loop
    > call test_1M_loop
    > call test_1M_loop
    > call test_1M_loop
    > call test_1M_loop
    > call test_1M_loop
    > call test_1M_loop
    > ret
    > ////////////////////////
    > test_1M_loop:
    > nop
    > nop
    > mov esi 1000000
    > rdtsc
    > push edx
    > push eax
    > loop:
    > //==================
    > nop
    > nop
    > nop
    > // mov ebx esi
    > // add ebx 19
    > // mov edx 1000
    > // mov eax 1000
    > // div edax ebx
    > //=================
    > dec esi
    > jne loop
    > rdtsc
    > pop ebx
    > pop ecx
    > sub eax ebx
    > sbb edx ecx
    > call print_eax
    > ret
    > ////////////////////////////
    > inner_test:
    > ret
    > //////////////////////////////
    > @ note_eax: "\x0d\x0a rdtsc eax = %d \x00"
    > print_eax:
    > push eax
    > push note_eax
    > call msvcrt.printf
    > pop eax
    > pop eax
    > ret
    > this pice of asm makes loop of 1M rolls and
    > measures how many cycles it takes by rtdsc command
    > this itself may be interesting for someone who would like to toy a bit and measure
    what amount of cycles given assembly comands and routines take on your cpu
    > for example gien loop with 3 nops gives that result (here on my old cpu)
    > rdtsc eax = 2000103
    > rdtsc eax = 2000117
    > rdtsc eax = 2000082
    > rdtsc eax = 2000082
    > rdtsc eax = 2000082
    > rdtsc eax = 2000082
    > rdtsc eax = 2000082
    > rdtsc eax = 2000082
    > rdtsc eax = 2000082
    > rdtsc eax = 2000082
    > rdtsc eax = 2000082
    > rdtsc eax = 2042404
    > rdtsc eax = 2415266
    > rdtsc eax = 2266271
    > if i delete that 3 nops it gives
    > rdtsc eax = 1000125
    > rdtsc eax = 1000111
    > rdtsc eax = 1000083
    > rdtsc eax = 1000076
    > rdtsc eax = 1000076
    > rdtsc eax = 1000083
    > rdtsc eax = 1000083
    > rdtsc eax = 1000076
    > rdtsc eax = 1000076
    > rdtsc eax = 1000076
    > rdtsc eax = 1000076
    > rdtsc eax = 1000076
    > rdtsc eax = 1000076
    > rdtsc eax = 1000076
    > so it shows that 1 nop takes only like 0.33 cycle, and that dec esi and jne jump
    itself take only one cycle
    > if someone is interested how fast things execute that kind of tests may be usefull
    > (it could be done in more popular assemblers but the entry level of my own may be
    easier, for me its easier for sure)
    > things can be tested easily, for example if i want to test rand() i just put a line

    > call msvcrt.rand
    > instead of that 3 nops and i get the result
    > rdtsc eax = 28016989
    > rdtsc eax = 28000112
    > rdtsc eax = 28043897
    > rdtsc eax = 28001589
    > rdtsc eax = 28001498
    > rdtsc eax = 28105077
    > rdtsc eax = 28000161
    > rdtsc eax = 28001904
    > rdtsc eax = 28016415
    > rdtsc eax = 28024360
    > rdtsc eax = 28000084
    > rdtsc eax = 28012999
    > rdtsc eax = 28026061
    > rdtsc eax = 28002849
    > so its 27 cycles..and so on
    > if someone would like to toy with my assembler i could improve it (i not typed all
    possiblemnemonic register combinations yet as it seems to be posiibly thousands of
    > i need yet also make some improve,ments in syntax of that asm... im quite satisfied
    as to cyntax of code (which i a bit refreshed if compared to intel by rejecting
    periods and turning square brackets into round brackets but i quess i still need to
    work on data format and also repair some holes here

    i added some extremally lame asm code for drawing mandelbrot (temporarely becouse of

    it may illustrate how you do float assembler today (you simply add ss to mnemonics
    and have 8 registers)

    though honestly it is visible i need to rework some things in that assembly, like
    turning xmm1 into x1 to be shorter etc

    but im tired and will do it later

    // unsigned background_color = 0x0;
    // void RunFrame(int advance)
    // {
    // ClearFrameData(background_color);
    // }
    // void ProcessMouseMove(int x, int y){}
    // void ProcessKeyDown(int key){}
    // void OnResize(){}
    // int main(void)
    // {
    // RegisterMouseMove( ProcessMouseMove );
    // RegisterKeyDown( ProcessKeyDown );
    // RegisterOnResize( OnResize );
    // RegisterRunFrame( RunFrame );
    // SetSleepValue(10);
    // SetupWindow2(" Example Green Fire App ", 20, 20, 560, 400 );
    // return 0;
    // }

    jmp start

    ProcessMouseMove: ret
    ProcessKeyDown: ret
    OnResize: ret



    >> minus2: -2.0f four: 4.0 dx: 0.01 dy: 0.01
    >> c_re: 0.0 c_im: 0.0 res: 0

    push eax

    cvt si2ss xmm0 esi

    mov ss xmm1 (dx)
    mul ss xmm0 xmm1
    add ss xmm0 (minus2)
    mov ss (c_re) xmm0

    cvt si2ss xmm0 edi

    mov ss xmm1 (dy)
    mul ss xmm0 xmm1
    add ss xmm0 (minus2)
    mov ss (c_im) xmm0

    mov ecx 0

    mov ss xmm3 (c_re)
    mov ss xmm4 (c_im)

    mov ss xmm0 xmm3
    mov ss xmm1 xmm4

    mov ss xmm2 (four)

    mov ss xmm5 xmm0
    mov ss xmm6 xmm1

    //re * re
    mul ss xmm0 xmm0
    //im * im
    mul ss xmm1 xmm1
    // re*re + im*im
    add ss xmm0 xmm1

    mov ss xmm1 xmm0

    cmple ss xmm1 xmm2

    cvt ss2si eax xmm1

    cmp eax 0
    je out

    mov ss xmm0 xmm5
    mov ss xmm1 xmm6
    //re * re
    mul ss xmm0 xmm0
    //im * im
    mul ss xmm1 xmm1
    sub ss xmm0 xmm1
    add ss xmm0 xmm3
    // re_n = re * re - im * im + cRe;
    mov ss xmm7 xmm0

    mov ss xmm0 xmm5
    mul ss xmm0 xmm6
    add ss xmm0 xmm0
    add ss xmm0 xmm4

    mov ss xmm1 xmm0
    mov ss xmm0 xmm7

    inc ecx
    cmp ecx 100
    jl iterations

    mov ecx 0xff00ff
    pop eax

    mov ecx 0xffff00
    pop eax

    // double re = cRe;
    // double im = cIm;
    // for(int n=1; n<man_maxiter; n++)
    // {
    // points_list[n].re = re;
    // points_list[n].im = im;
    // if( re * re + im * im > 4.0 ) return n;
    // double re_n = re * re - im * im + cRe;
    // double im_n = 2 * re * im + cIm;
    // re = re_n;
    // im = im_n;
    // }


    push 0x007000, call green_fire.ClearFrameData, pop eax ;

    /////////////////// loop on pixels
    mov eax green_fire.frame_bitmap
    mov ebp (eax)
    mov eax green_fire.frame_size_x
    mov ebx (eax)

    mov edi 0
    mov esi 0
    mov eax edi, mul eax ebx, add eax esi, shl eax 2, add eax ebp
    call calc_mandelbtot_for_esi_edi
    mov (eax) ecx
    inc esi , cmp esi 400, jl loop_x
    inc edi , cmp edi 400, jl loop_y



    push ProcessMouseMove, call green_fire.RegisterMouseMove, pop eax
    push ProcessKeyDown, call green_fire.RegisterKeyDown, pop eax
    push OnResize, call green_fire.RegisterOnResize, pop eax
    push RunFrame, call green_fire.RegisterRunFrame, pop eax
    push 10, call green_fire.SetSleepValue, pop eax

    >> title: "exampla app"

    push 420, push 500,
    push 20, push 20,
    push title, call green_fire.SetupWindow2
    add esp 20

    mov eax 0

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