
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.elektronikaavr-gcc dziwna konstrukcjaRe: avr-gcc dziwna konstrukcja
  • Data: 2010-03-21 20:27:32
    Temat: Re: avr-gcc dziwna konstrukcja
    Od: Zbych <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    Michał Lankosz przemówił ludzkim głosem:

    > Jak zinterpretować zapis poniższy skoków? Co to za etykiety czy wartości "1"
    > i "1f"?

    A do manuala zajrzałeś?

    Local labels help compilers and programmers use names temporarily. They
    create symbols which are guaranteed to be unique over the entire scope
    of the input source code and which can be referred to by a simple
    notation. To define a local label, write a label of the form 'N:' (where
    N represents any positive integer). To refer to the most recent previous
    definition of that label write 'Nb', using the same number as when you
    defined the label. To refer to the next definition of a local label,
    write 'Nf'--the 'b' stands for "backwards" and the 'f' stands for "forwards".

    Here is an example:
    1: branch 1f
    2: branch 1b
    1: branch 2f
    2: branch 1b

    Which is the equivalent of:
    label_1: branch label_3
    label_2: branch label_1
    label_3: branch label_4
    label_4: branch label_3

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