
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.pecetWtyczka zasilania ATX 20 a 24pinRe: Wtyczka zasilania ATX 20 a 24pin
  • Data: 2023-11-26 23:01:31
    Temat: Re: Wtyczka zasilania ATX 20 a 24pin
    Od: PiteR <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    in <>
    user pisze tak:

    > Szybki gógiel wskazuje, że standard 24-pinowy jest do nowszych
    > procesorów, ale czy ten staroć można uważać za "nowszy"? :)

    to chyba nie o procesor tylko o karty chodzi.
    Procesor ma swoją wtyczkę 4 pin.

    Szybki gógiel wskazuje

    many motherboards with a modern 24-pin ATX main power connector still
    work fine with 20-pin main ATX power connector PSU's, you simply offset
    it fully to one side (they're keyed to only fit one way

    Can I use a 20 pin PSU on a 24 pin motherboard?

    Technically, a 20-pin ATX connector can be plugged straight into a 24-
    pin motherboard socket, leaving male pins 11, 12, 23, and 24
    unconnected. The four pins that you are leaving open are just redundant
    lines for higher current capability

    Can you use an ATX 20 pin motherboard power connector on a 24 pin
    motherboard power socket by just leaving the end 4 pins empty?
    Which power connector type is used to provide power to modern hard disk
    drives? You can use an ATX 20-pin motherboard power connector on a 24-
    pin motherboard power socket by just leaving the end 4-pins empty.


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