
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.sci.inzynieriaRe: Wodorowe deluzje by ToyotaRe: Wodorowe deluzje by Toyota
  • Data: 2022-06-21 14:06:37
    Temat: Re: Wodorowe deluzje by Toyota
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    On Tuesday, 21 June 2022 at 13:46:40 UTC+2, alojzy nieborak wrote:

    > Sam napisz o wodorkach metali, ile energii gromadzą w 1 kg,
    > jak przebiega proces gromadzenia/uwalniania wodoru,
    > a nie zapodajesz jakieś filmy reklamowe dla szarego łośka
    > gdzie gospodyni domowa dumnie niesie "wkład z zieloną energią".

    @matołalojzynieborak skrytykowal filmik Tojotowy
    a cóż winna Tojota, że biznes zszoruje dno,
    nikt nie chce kupowac przestarzałych hybryd, które niczego nie odzyskują, bo każdy
    jeździ na malym gazie i nie hamuje gwaltownie przed światłami

    No i wozi się dodatkowe aku, dodatkowy generator
    a zasięg na elektryku to 10 km , czyli totalna poraszka, bo zwykla hulajnoga za 1000
    zł ma zasięg do 20 km

    No i ziściła się wizja Tojotowa i podjeźdża pod chalupę samochód z wodorowymi
    i odbierasz 10 termosów, 2 wkładasz w dziurę i masz prąd i może dalej zaiwaniać po

    Taka technika to może była ok, ale w Afryce, gdzie nie ma prądu z gniazdka, ale na
    świecie nikt tego nie kupi
    bo to wielki syf.

    A jak syf to sam poszukaj na necie wiadomości o wodorkach metali, ile uwalniaja

    Bo mnie to lotto.

    A poza tym aku wodorkowe są znane od 20 lat i codziennie ich używam AA

    Ale jak jesteś zainteresowany to masz tutaj

    Poczytaj mi Mamo


    What Is a Metal Hydride? - ThoughtCo > metal-hydrides-2340044

    29.07.2019 ? Metal hydrides are metals which have been bonded to hydrogen to form a
    new compound. Any hydrogen compound that is bonded to another metal element can
    effectively be called a metal hydride. Generally, the bond is covalent in nature, but
    some hydrides are formed from ionic bonds. The hydrogen has an oxidation number of

    Szacowany czas czytania: 3 min

    Odkrywaj dalej
    What are some examples of a metal hydride? - Quora
    Hydrogen homes is a terrible idea - The Ecologist
    Hydrogen Storage Using Metal Hydrides - Guidehouse Insights
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    Thermodynamics of Metal Hydrides: Tailoring Reaction Enthalpies of ...
    Obraz znaleziony dla: Metal Hydrides. Rozmiar: 172 x 170. Źródło:
    Applications of Metal Hydrides - Fraunhofer IFAM
    Obraz znaleziony dla: Metal Hydrides. Rozmiar: 172 x 170. Źródło:
    Hydrogen Storage Methods for Vehicular Application | AcadBuddy
    Obraz znaleziony dla: Metal Hydrides. Rozmiar: 182 x 149. Źródło:
    Obraz znaleziony dla: Metal Hydrides. Rozmiar: 182 x 119. Źródło:
    Principle of a metal hydride tank for the reversible storage of ...
    Zobacz wszystko
    Zobacz wszystkie obrazy
    Metal Hydride - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics > topics > chemistry > metal-hydride

    Metal hydrides are compounds of one or more metal cations (M+) and one or more
    hydride anions (H - ). When pressurised, most metals bind strongly with hydrogen,
    resulting in stable metal hydrides that can be used to store hydrogen conveniently on
    board vehicles. Examples of metal hydrides are LaNi 5 H 6, MgH 2, and NaAlH 4.
    Metal Hydride - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics > topics > materials-science > metal-hydride

    metal (m) hydrides, including pure metal (e.g., mg, ti, zr, v, nb) and their
    intermetallic compounds and alloys, are broad spectrum of materials synthesized by
    direct exothermic reaction (absorption) between m and hydrogen (h 2) in a gas-solid
    fashion absorption reaction, achieved at certain pressure and temperature to form
    metal hydrides (mh x) ...
    Wideo metal hydrides > videos
    Metal Hydride - Hydrogen - Chemistry Class 11
    Metal Hydride - Hydrogen - Chemistry Class 11
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    Hydrogen Storage in Metal Hydrides [Reupload]
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    YouTubeHelmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
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    YouTubeAndrey K
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    Metal hydride hydrogen compression and storage
    10 tys. wyświetleńkwi 3, 2019
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    Hydrogen storage in metal hydrides
    10 tys. wyświetleńcze 6, 2013
    YouTubeJusts Dimants
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    Poznaj metal hydrides za pomocą klipów wideo
    Nickel Metal Hydride Battery
    NiMH Batteries
    Lithium Hydride
    Hydrogen Storage Tank
    Metal-Hydride Hydrogen Storage
    Ionic Hydrides
    Lithium Aluminium Hydride
    Hydrogen Gas Storage
    Metal Hydrides - Fuel Cell Store > ... > metal-hydrides

    Metal hydrides are the most compact way to store hydrogen (more dense than liquid
    hydrogen). The internal volume of the CL-400A is less than 0.7 liters. 400 liters of
    hydrogen capacity is more than 500 times the size of the container! Standard SOLID-H
    BL-series containers hold 18, 20, 30, 120, 220 or 740 standard liters of hydrogen
    Category:Metal hydrides - Wikipedia > wiki > Category:Metal_hydrides

    Pages in category "Metal hydrides" The following 77 pages are in this category, out
    of 77 total. This list may not reflect recent changes ( learn more ). A Aluminium
    hydride Arsine B Beryllium hydride Beryllium monohydride Bismuthine Borderline
    hydrides C Cadmium hydride Caesium hydride Calcium hydride Calcium monohydride
    Inne zapytania
    What is a metal hydride?
    Why are metal hydrides used for onboard hydrogen storage?
    What are the different types of hydrides?
    What are ionic hydrides made of?

    Metal Hydrides - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics > topics > physics-and-astronomy > metal-hydrides

    Metal hydrides, such as MgH 2, NaAlH 4, LiAlH 4, LiH, LaNi 5 H 6, and TiFeH 2,
    with varying degrees of efficiency, can be used as storage media for hydrogen, often
    reversibly.Some are easy-to-fuel liquids at ambient temperature and pressure; others
    are solids that can be turned into pellets. These materials have good energy density
    by volume, although their energy density by ...
    Metal Hydrides: Fundamentals and Applications - MDPI > topics > metal_hydrides

    Metal hydrides are good candidates for hydrogen storage in a large range of
    practical applications. A lot of research activities are currently taking place,
    focusing on finding new metal hydrides that will meet the needs of industry and also
    how the present metal hydrides could be modified to improve their present
    characteristics. Therefore ...
    Metal Hydrides - Fuel Cell Store > blog-section > metal-hydrides-blog

    26.02.2019 ? Metal hydrides are formed when metal atoms bond with hydrogen to
    form stable compounds. A large amount of hydrogen per unit volume can be extracted,
    so the storage density is good despite the fact that they can be heavy. They are
    often used as powders to maximize the surface area-to-mass ratio.
    Metal Hydrides | ScienceDirect > book > 9781483232157 > metal-hydrides

    Metal Hydrides focuses on the theories of hydride formation as well as on
    experimental procedures involved in the formation of hydrides, the reactions that
    occur between hydrides and other media, and the physical and mechanical properties of
    the several classes of hydrides.
    Hydride - Wikipedia > wiki > Hydride

    Metal hydrides (e.g. H 2 RhCl (PPh 3) 2 derived from Wilkinson's catalyst) are
    intermediates in hydrogenation catalysis. Hydrides such as sodium borohydride,
    lithium aluminium hydride, diisobutylaluminium hydride (DIBAL) and super hydride, are
    commonly used as reducing agents in chemical synthesis.

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