
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.telefonia.gsmW USA leci reklama TV iPhone 4S - w 100% eksponowany jest Siri [ang]Re: W USA leci reklama TV iPhone 4S - w 100% eksponowany jest Siri [ang]
  • Data: 2011-10-22 06:42:31
    Temat: Re: W USA leci reklama TV iPhone 4S - w 100% eksponowany jest Siri [ang]
    Od: ALdroid <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    Dnia Fri, 21 Oct 2011 11:09:51 -0500, "Pszemol" <>
    naskrobał przy słoiku:
    > >
    > > Find me casual date, female, blonde, tall, tonight, eight pm.
    > >
    > > ;)

    > :-) Na pewno już przetestowane...

    Some questions OK; others, not

    Asking "When does Daylight Savings Time begin?" results in Siri's
    voice giving the exact day, date and time, says Tom Eisenman, 58, of
    Springfield, Mass. But ask: "When does Daylight Savings Time end?"
    Siri's answer: "You don't have anything on your calendar for Daylight
    Savings Time." Eisenman's verdict: "Siri can be a time waster because
    you never know whether you'll get a useful response, even when the
    question is similar to something she has answered helpfully before."


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