
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.telefonia.gsmUzywanie telefonu z GPS w samolocieRe: Uzywanie telefonu z GPS w samolocie
  • Data: 2009-05-26 20:26:46
    Temat: Re: Uzywanie telefonu z GPS w samolocie
    Od: darnok <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    darnok pisze:

    > Zacytuje specyfikacje 3GPP 05.10 Rel 99
    > wzialem 8.12 - punkt 6.1 w docu.
    > "The MS carrier frequency shall be accurate to within 0.1 ppm, or
    > accurate to within 0.1 ppm compared to signals received from the BTS,
    > except for GSM 400 where 0.2 ppm shall apply in both case (these signals
    > will have an apparent frequency error due to BTS frequency error and
    > Doppler shift). In the latter case, the signals from the BTS must be
    > averaged over sufficient time that errors due to noise or interference
    > are allowed for within the above 0.1 ppm and 0.2 ppm figure. The MS
    > shall use the same frequency source for both RF frequency generation and
    > clocking the timebase."

    Dodam jeszcze ze BTS ma spelnic jeszcze bardziej rygorystyczne warunki -
    punkt 5.1:

    "The BTS shall use a single frequency source of absolute accuracy better
    than 0.05 ppm for both RF frequency generation and clocking the
    timebase. The same source shall be used for all carriers of the BTS.
    For the pico BTS class the absolute accuracy requirement is relaxed to

    "TRAGEdia: A ja TRUskawki CUkrem..."

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