
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.samochodySfilmowane chamy ;)Re: Sfilmowane chamy ;)
  • Data: 2011-11-20 12:27:03
    Temat: Re: Sfilmowane chamy ;)
    Od: "J.F." <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    Dnia Sat, 19 Nov 2011 00:27:08 -0600, Pszemol napisał(a):
    > Nie. Mówię o jechaniu PRAWYM pasem,

    I USA ma byc tu wzorem ?

    > mówię o włączaniu się na zamek gdy pas się kończy,

    A to jeszcze bedzie musialo ladnych pare lat minac .. chyba ze wreszcie
    rzad podejmie zdecydowane dzialania :-)

    Czasem jednak potrafimy ... a amerykancy potrafia ?
    Driving in Germany can be both an exhilarating and frustrating experience.
    In a country renowned for its high performance cars, high speed Autobahns,
    and frustrated drivers, Germany hosts more traffic volume than any nation
    in Europe and, as a result, suffers the Continent's highest injury-accident
    rate. Many German traffic regulations differ a great deal from those
    observed in the United States. It is essential for safety sake to know this
    rules and to be familiar with the international road signs. Some of the
    most important regulations and driving tips are discussed below. You can
    also see more extensive information about German traffic regulations and
    traffic signs.

    Autobahn Driving
    Before pulling into the left lane to pass, check the rear view mirror very
    carefully as far back as you can see.

    To w USA nie ma takiego zwyczaju ?

    Cars traveling at 160-180 km per hour approach suddenly, so when passing,
    do so quickly and then quickly return to the right lane. Some impatient
    drivers flash their headlights, use their blinker, and tailgate to pressure
    slower cars ahead into moving out of the way. These practices have been
    outlawed recently, and it is best to ignore this behavior if it is directed
    at you. (Within the city a driver may flash his lights at you as a signal
    that you may turn into the street or turn left across his lane of traffic,
    but do so with caution.)

    > mówię o niewyprzedzaniu na 3

    To jak beda autostrady ... albo paliwo po 10 zl :-)

    > mówię o ruszaniu jednoczesnym ze świateł,

    Hm, jakis filmik moze ? i ewentualnie drugi - o karambolu na skrzyzowaniu ?

    > puszczaniu pieszych na pasach

    A to oby jescze dlugo nie - to po prostu ma maly sens.

    > nie nadużywaniu klaksona itp itd.

    A gdzie je slyszysz ? W USA ?


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