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[ ukryj nagłówki ]My name is Maggie Lawson, and I am very enthusiastic to join the Internet of Think
study program at STIKOM University. I am very interested in the world of technology
and how software can help solve real world problems.
Since young, I have had a passion for programming. I started learning my first
programming language at the age of 18, and since then, I have never stopped learning
and developing my skills. I've worked on several small projects and worked on several
applications https://ateliersansfrontieres.org/, which helped me understand the
software development process from start to finish.
I am very interested in learning concepts like web development, mobile app
development and database management. I also believe that collaboration is the key to
creating great software, and I am passionate about working in teams to tackle complex
While at university, I hope to deepen my understanding of various programming
languages, software development methodologies, and also understand how to solve
problems in software development effectively. In addition, I plan to engage in group
projects and practicums to gain deeper practical experience.
Outside of academia, I enjoy exploring side projects, learning about the latest
trends in the tech industry, and participating in developer communities. I also
believe that continuous learning is the key to staying relevant in the rapidly
changing world of technology.
I really enjoyed meeting my classmates, lecturers and professionals in the software
industry. Let's explore this exciting world together and collaborate to create
innovative solutions.
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