
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.samochodyPrzygody z Teslą.Re: Przygody z Teslą.
  • Data: 2018-12-17 11:59:24
    Temat: Re: Przygody z Teslą.
    Od: szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    --Ale też nie przegrali.

    nie doceniasz fejsbunia :-)

    Elektroauto im Alltag Sell the Tesla and buy a better car with better service like I
    did it last year. Now I am very happy with Opel Ampera-E. Tesla service is crap
    everywhere, but especially in Berlin. I am sure the noncore market policy is illegal.
    Especially because Tesla had not informed you about this policy before you bought the
    car. But even with information it should be illegal in EU. But as long as no customer
    from a noncore market wants to start a lawsuit against Tesla, they will fuck all
    customers in Eastern Europe again and again. I tried to convince customers from
    Belarus to start a lawsuit against Tesla. But they don't want to have even more
    stress with this crap. Now they go to Copenhagen on their own expense. Copenhagen is
    much better than Berlin, but the noncore market policy stay valid in Copenhagen too.
    Unfortunately I am from Germany, so I can not sue them for the noncore market policy.
    But I had no problem to sue them twice to get back my money

    i wazna porada: nie certolic sie z baranami tylko od razu brac prawnika :-)

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