
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.samochodyPozamiatane!Re: Pozamiatane!
  • Data: 2021-01-21 18:07:58
    Temat: Re: Pozamiatane!
    Od: "J.F." <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    Użytkownik "Cavallino" napisał w wiadomości grup
    W dniu 21-01-2021 o 12:43, J.F. pisze:
    > Użytkownik "Cavallino" napisał w wiadomości grup W dniu 20-01-2021
    > o 16:31, J.F. pisze:
    >>>>> Nie o Tesli mowa, 10 lat temu nie miała jeszcze żadnego
    >>>>> samochodu na rynku.
    >>>> Juz miala.
    >>> Nie miała.
    >>> Pokazała pod koniec 2011, a tak naprawdę w Genewie 2012.
    >> Tu pisza nawet 2008

    >Słowo-klucz "na rynku".
    >Prototypy to sobie w bytu można wsadzić.

    -By November 19, 2008, more than 70 of the cars had been delivered to
    -By April 2, 2009, 320 Roadsters had been delivered.
    -In May 2009, Tesla issued a safety recall for all 345 of its
    Roadsters that were manufactured before April 22, 2009. Tesla sent
    technicians to customers' homes to tighten the rear, inner hub flange
    bolts. Tesla told customers that without this adjustment, the driver
    could lose control of the car and crash. The problem originated at the
    Lotus assembly line that builds the Roadster and Lotus also recalled
    some of its own vehicles. Tesla reminded customers that millions of
    cars are recalled every year.

    -Tesla announced on January 13, 2010, that it had produced its 1,000th
    Roadster. The company had delivered vehicles to customers in 43 states
    and 21 countries worldwide.[84] In 2009 Tesla began taking orders from
    customers in Canada, and Canadian deliveries began in February 2010.

    -In January 2010, Tesla began producing its first right-hand-drive
    Roadsters for the UK and Ireland. The 2010 model-year right-hand-drive
    Roadster included a suite of unique noise-reduction materials and an
    upgraded sound system. The Roadster started at ?86,950 and cost about
    1.5p per mile.

    -On December 2, 2010, Tesla had delivered more than 1,400 Roadsters.

    -On September 28, 2011, Tesla delivered its 100th Roadster in

    Jesli to prototypy - to w bardzo szerokim sensie ...

    >>>>> Ani pierwsza, ani druga, długo przed Teslą elektryki robili
    >>>>> nawet europejscy i dalekowschodni producenci.
    >>>> Samochody
    >>> Tak.
    >> Jakies przyklady ?

    >PSA, Renault, Nissan.

    A konkretne nazwy ?

    Taki Leaf chyba ciut pozniej - tzn o miesiace, wiki twierdzi, ze w
    2011 wyprodukowali juz 22 tys sztuk.

    Range MY 2011/12
    117 km (73 miles) EPA
    175 km (109 miles) NEDC

    wiec 117km ... a z jaka predkoscia ?

    >Może też inni.

    A owszem

    I byloby pieknie gdyby nie produkcja laczna - 340 sztuk.

    1400 sztuk, 50kW silnika, 153km ...

    Czy np

    Smart i maluch tez sie sprzedawaly :-)

    Prototypy :-P


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