
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingPowershell plik tekstowyRe: Powershell plik tekstowy
  • Data: 2011-05-04 20:43:12
    Temat: Re: Powershell plik tekstowy
    Od: szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    > Witam


    > W pliku tekstowym mam coś takiego :


    > Accuracy:

    > CurrentReading: 19

    > CurrentState: Normal

    > Description: Temperature Sensor 3 detects for Memory board. Temperature

    > reported by the sensor is within normal operating range.

    > DeviceID: Temperature Sensor 3


    > Accuracy:

    > CurrentReading: 40

    > CurrentState: Normal

    > Description: Temperature Sensor 7 detects for Memory board. Temperature

    > reported by the sensor is within normal operating range.

    > DeviceID: Temperature Sensor 7


    > Accuracy:

    > CurrentReading: 18

    > CurrentState: Normal

    > Description: Temperature Sensor 17 detects for Ambient / External / Room.

    > Temperature reported by the sensor is within normal operating range.

    > DeviceID: Temperature Sensor 17


    nie wiem jak w powershellu ale w jakims troche poprawionym c to by bylo jak

    int max_value = 0;

    int end_of_file, char* line = get_line("inputfile.txt");

    if(end_of_file) break;

    if(check_for_substring(line, ""CurrentReading:"))
    remove_substring(line, ""CurrentReading:");
    int value = string_to_int(line);
    if(value>max_value) max_value = value;

    if(max_value>45) send_email("", "alarm");

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