
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingOpowiadanie o GCRe: Opowiadanie o GC
  • Path:!!!!n!easynews!core-easynews-01!!en-nntp-!not-for-mail
    From: A.L. <>
    Newsgroups: pl.comp.programming
    Subject: Re: Opowiadanie o GC
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    Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 10:28:52 -0500
    Xref: pl.comp.programming:182836
    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    On Mon, 27 Jul 2009 08:05:54 -0700 (PDT), Maciej Sobczak
    <> wrote:

    >On 27 Lip, 14:26, A.L. <> wrote:
    >> WeakHashMap?...
    >Napisałem, że Item jest wartością a nie kluczem.
    >Kluczem jest Long - niezbyt dobry kandydat na WeakHashMap.

    Ja proponuje zeby Pan przeczytal dokladnie opis WeakHashMap.

    Zdanie ""Kluczem jest Long - niezbyt dobry kandydat na WeakHashMap"
    nie ma sensu jako takie.

    Proponuje poczytac tutaj na przyklad

    Specifically, we want to handle the situation where the
    deregisterObject() method is not called, but the registered object is
    no longer referenced anywhere in the application, except by our
    internal Map. This situation is precisely what WeakHashMap was
    designed for. The keys entered into a WeakHashMap are held using
    WeakReferences. This allows the garbage collector to collect the keys
    if there are no other strong references to those keys elsewhere in the
    application (for more details about strong and weak references in
    Java, see the "Further resources" section at the end of this article).
    After the keys have been collected, the values are also dereferenced
    from the WeakHashMap, and can also be garbage collected if they are
    not referred to elsewhere in the application.


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