
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.samochodyO co chodzi w takich ogłoszeniach - nowe na otomotoRe: O co chodzi w takich ogłoszeniach - nowe na otomoto
  • Path:!!!!news.nask
    Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 07:53:11 +0200
    From: Mirek Ptak <>
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    Subject: Re: O co chodzi w takich ogłoszeniach - nowe na otomoto
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    Dnia 2013-07-23 10:52, *Franc* napisał, a mnie coś podkusiło, żeby odpisać:
    > Trafiam na takie ogłoszenie:
    > Samochód niby roczny (ok, nie ważne), komp pokazuje przebieg symboliczny
    > (3k może jeździł jako demo-car), cena to już w ogóle kosmos.
    > O co może choodzić w takich ogłoszeniach? Cena to 1/5 rat czy jakiś wałek
    > to jest.
    Zacząłem korespondować z tym durniem i sprawa się rozwija :)
    Jest to klasyczny wałek, ale tak nieudolny, że aż strach. Niby Polak
    (wysłał mi skan dowodu osobistego) ale pisze tylko po angielsku :)

    Dla zainteresowanych poniżej korespondencja, która do tej pory do mnie
    dotarła :)


    I hope you understand English because it is an international language.
    Just browsed my mail page and saw your message, so I hope you are still
    interested in buying the car.I have done to announce the car when I was
    in Poland by visiting my friends. Regarding the car, it is in perfect
    shape, perfect working condition, no scratches, no damage, never been
    laid down or required any repairs.
    The maintenance schedule has been followed to the letter and all service
    has been performed by dealer.
    As you have seen in the ad, the price for my 2012 BMW 730 F01 Sedan
    4.000 Km 180 kW 2993 cm? , is about EUR 16,000 euro , including the
    shipping costs, insurance and handling (shipping, only if you are
    outside England, because the car is located in England).
    I just moved here with my job and I need a car registered in England.
    I did not want to register the car in England, because of the enormous
    fees i have to pay.The reason I am selling the car for this low price is
    that recently he moved to England and my car is a Polish model and has a
    steering wheel on the left. This week I found a family car here which I
    want to buy but first I have to sell my car. The car has Polish
    documents and is registered in Poland. Will include all taxes and
    shipping if you are interested in purchasing the car.
    E-mail me so we can discuss more.

    Thank you,
    Cyganek Norbert Florian
    + kilka dodatkowych fotek auta :)
    Hello there ,

    The car still got polish papers I didn't registered here in UK so you
    can import it in your country with no problems.
    I received a great job here and most of my time I'm away and that's way
    I signed with the shipping company.
    The car will be delivered to your home address and you will not pay
    extra money.
    FINAL PRICE EUR 16,000 EUR with shipping costs included , they will be
    covered by me.
    The terms of the sale are as follows: A deposit in the amount of EUR 8,000
    euro is required at the time of sale, EUR 8,000 euro after delivery
    confirmation ( after the car will arrive to you.).
    You will have 5 days to test the car and after you have to decide If you
    want to keep it(and you have to pay rest of the money- EUR 8,000 euro),or
    you reject it ( you will receive your money back- EUR 8,000 euro , and I
    will have my car back).
    I understand your concern that's why I propose you a fair deal. We can
    make our business through a third party in this way both of us will have
    the assurance that we need.
    By dealing with a Third Party means dealing with a neutral party, a
    company that verifies if the merchandise is sent and corresponds to what
    seller agreed with the buyer and release the money only after the
    merchandise was accepted. You will have 5 days to test the car. This
    company will deliver the package to you and they will give me the money
    after you confirm that you want to keep it.

    NOTE: The money will be sent to the company bank account before you will
    receive the car and not to me, they will tell you all that you have to
    do .
    - I repeat they will keep your money until you receive the car and the
    documents of the car.
    - You will have an inspection period of 5 days (i think 5 days are
    enough). In this time you can check , test and inspect the car. An agent
    will be there to help you to register the car. If by any reason (the car
    has any hidden damage or it isn't like i describe it) you can reject the
    deal. In this case the agent of the company will refund you totally and
    you ship the car back on your cost.

    The car was verified by the company trade qualified automotive
    technician and the car have passed all the test with no problems !
    I will wait your e-mail regarding your FULL name and address.

    Thank you,
    Cyganek Norbert Florian
    tutaj wysłał mi skany dowodu osobistego:
    Hello again my friend ,

    I will explain you more simple how the deal will go on:

    - you will give me the full shipping name and address where you
    want the car to arrive, and I will provide to the shipping company your
    full coordinates;
    - after the car was prepared for the shipping, the company will
    inform you.
    - this is the moment when the shipping begins;
    - after the shipping begins, you will have to pay to the EUR 8,000
    euro , as an insurance fee that you will buy the car.
    - you will have 5 days to inspect the car, after it has arrived to
    - you can decide if you will keep it or not in this 5 days, and at
    the end of this period you will pay the remaining balance of EUR 8,000 euro.

    I work between a company , because they send the car and they offer a
    big facilitation:If by any reason (the car has any hidden damage or it
    isn't like i describe it) you can reject the deal.
    In this case the company will refund you totally and you ship the car
    back on MY cost.
    Also they have to be shore that you are serious thats why they ask your
    details to change the name from my name on your name and after you will
    have the car and you doesnt like it you have to tell and you will have
    your money back and I will have my car back ... understand ?
    After you have to decide If you agree the car or you will have your
    money for your first payment.
    Also I will have my car back.
    Im selling the car trough them because they take care of all the they
    will deliver the car back
    For me is impossible to sell the car in private because I have already
    signed a contract with this company. I'm also a very busy person and
    most of my time I'm away.Also you will have an inspection period of 5
    days , in this time you can check, test and inspect the car.
    Also, you must send me your passport copy because the car papers must
    be change from my name on your name.
    I will wait your e-mail regarding your FULL name and address.( BECAUSE

    Thank you very much,
    Cyganek Norbert Florian

    NOTE: The money will be sent to the company bank account before you will
    receive the car and not to me, they will tell you all that you have to do .
    - I repeat they will keep your money until you receive the car and the
    documents of the car.
    - You will have an inspection period of 5 days (i think 5 days are
    enough). In this time you can check , test and inspect the car. An agent
    will be there to help you to register the car. If by any reason (the car
    has any hidden damage or it isn't like i describe it) you can reject the
    deal. In this case the agent of the company will refund you totally and
    you ship the car back on your cost.
    Please confirm you received pictures with my car.
    Also I will scan my ID to see I am a serious person.
    Now I will send you VIN number and also details with my car and after I
    have to go to the hospital , I told you my daughter will suffer a brain
    surgery ...
    I want to wish you all the best for you and your family and also a nice day
    Best regards,

    VIN : WBAKM21020DX08182

    Na razie tyle :)
    Odpisałem mu że dziwne jest pisanie po angielsku przez Polaka i że w
    przyszłym tygodniu jestem w UK - czekam na odpowiedź :)

    Pozdrawiam - Mirek
    Mirek Ptak - Insignia '11 HB 2.0 CDTI, PMS edition
    President Herbert *old* on board :)
    kolczan( a t )outlook(kropek) c om
    PMS+ PJ++ S* p+ M++ W++ P+:+ X++ L+ B++ M- Z++ T- W CB++

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