Data: 2011-12-04 12:22:48
Temat: Re: Nowa nawigacja na Androida
Od: atm <...@v...pl> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]
> Nigdzie nie mogę znaleźć informacji, ile będzie kosztować licencja. I
> czy aktualizacje map będą bezpłatne. Oczywiście muszę więcej z nią
> pojeździć.
> Marek
Cena jak w linku: caly swiat lifetime 65$
Oto ich definicja "lifetime":
I kindly inform you that the word "Lifetime" refers to the fact that you
will be able to use the navigation license during the life cycle of the
phone itself.
The navigation license is registered on the IMEI number of the phone, a
unique number for each phone.
If you will decide to purchase a Worldwide lifetime navigation license,
you will have access to the Worldwide road maps. The only thing that you
will need to do is to download the corresponding maps on the phone itseld.
Druga odpowiedz:
I kindly inform you that a navigation license can be transferred to
another phone that shares the same technical characteristics of the old
phone, that is, it has to be on the same platform, have the same O.S.
If you will decide to change the phone in the future, you can contact us
in order to inform you of the phone models over which we can transfer
the navigation license.
Please note that the navigation license has to be purchased. The road
maps are free of charge. That means, that, whenever new map updates will
be available, you will just have to download them.
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