
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.pecet[NTG] Your System Has No Paging File, or the Paging File Is Too .. Win2kRe: [NTG] Your System Has No Paging File, or the Paging File Is Too .. Win2k
  • Data: 2011-09-30 13:34:06
    Temat: Re: [NTG] Your System Has No Paging File, or the Paging File Is Too .. Win2k
    Od: "Q" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    Tak jak pisalem - slowo klucz: disk signature.
    Tu masz cos do poczytania:

    A tu jak to jest rozwiazane u innych (przelacznik linii komend do ghosta):
    Force Disk Signature to Zero. Use to resolve bootup failures after cloning a
    partition on a Windows 2000/XP computer, especially when the disk and
    controller are the same in the source and destination computers, but the
    partition sizes or layout are different. This switch configures Ghost to
    force a disk initialization.

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