
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingRe: MnozenieRe: Mnozenie
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    On Monday, November 23, 1998 at 9:00:00 AM UTC+1, AD wrote:
    > Czesc
    > Napisalem program do mnozeni dwoch liczb o max zakresie do 10 (szkolna
    > tabliczka mnozenia). Co o nim sadzicie?
    > program mnozenie;
    > var
    > i, j, iloczyn : integer;
    > begin
    > writeln('Mnozenie dwoch liczb do 10');
    > write('Podaj pierwsza liczbe: ');
    > readln(i);
    > write('Podaj druga liczbe: ');
    > readln(j);
    > if (i = 1) and (j = 1) then iloczyn:=1;
    > if (i = 1) and (j = 2) then iloczyn:=2;
    > if (i = 1) and (j = 3) then iloczyn:=3;
    > if (i = 1) and (j = 4) then iloczyn:=4;
    > if (i = 1) and (j = 5) then iloczyn:=5;
    > if (i = 1) and (j = 6) then iloczyn:=6;
    > if (i = 1) and (j = 7) then iloczyn:=7;
    > if (i = 1) and (j = 8) then iloczyn:=8;
    > if (i = 1) and (j = 9) then iloczyn:=9;
    > if (i = 1) and (j = 10) then iloczyn:=10;
    > if (i = 2) and (j = 1) then iloczyn:=2;
    > if (i = 2) and (j = 2) then iloczyn:=4;
    > if (i = 2) and (j = 3) then iloczyn:=6;
    > if (i = 2) and (j = 4) then iloczyn:=8;
    > if (i = 2) and (j = 5) then iloczyn:=10;
    > if (i = 2) and (j = 6) then iloczyn:=12;
    > if (i = 2) and (j = 7) then iloczyn:=14;
    > if (i = 2) and (j = 8) then iloczyn:=16;
    > if (i = 2) and (j = 9) then iloczyn:=18;
    > if (i = 2) and (j = 10) then iloczyn:=20;
    > if (i = 3) and (j = 1) then iloczyn:=3;
    > if (i = 3) and (j = 2) then iloczyn:=6;
    > if (i = 3) and (j = 3) then iloczyn:=9;
    > if (i = 3) and (j = 4) then iloczyn:=12;
    > if (i = 3) and (j = 5) then iloczyn:=15;
    > if (i = 3) and (j = 6) then iloczyn:=18;
    > if (i = 3) and (j = 7) then iloczyn:=21;
    > if (i = 3) and (j = 8) then iloczyn:=24;
    > if (i = 3) and (j = 9) then iloczyn:=27;
    > if (i = 3) and (j = 10) then iloczyn:=30;
    > if (i = 4) and (j = 1) then iloczyn:=4;
    > if (i = 4) and (j = 2) then iloczyn:=8;
    > if (i = 4) and (j = 3) then iloczyn:=12;
    > if (i = 4) and (j = 4) then iloczyn:=16;
    > if (i = 4) and (j = 5) then iloczyn:=20;
    > if (i = 4) and (j = 6) then iloczyn:=24;
    > if (i = 4) and (j = 7) then iloczyn:=28;
    > if (i = 4) and (j = 8) then iloczyn:=32;
    > if (i = 4) and (j = 9) then iloczyn:=36;
    > if (i = 4) and (j = 10) then iloczyn:=40;
    > if (i = 5) and (j = 1) then iloczyn:=5;
    > if (i = 5) and (j = 2) then iloczyn:=10;
    > if (i = 5) and (j = 3) then iloczyn:=15;
    > if (i = 5) and (j = 4) then iloczyn:=20;
    > if (i = 5) and (j = 5) then iloczyn:=25;
    > if (i = 5) and (j = 6) then iloczyn:=30;
    > if (i = 5) and (j = 7) then iloczyn:=35;
    > if (i = 5) and (j = 8) then iloczyn:=40;
    > if (i = 5) and (j = 9) then iloczyn:=45;
    > if (i = 5) and (j = 10) then iloczyn:=50;
    > if (i = 6) and (j = 1) then iloczyn:=6;
    > if (i = 6) and (j = 2) then iloczyn:=12;
    > if (i = 6) and (j = 3) then iloczyn:=18;
    > if (i = 6) and (j = 4) then iloczyn:=24;
    > if (i = 6) and (j = 5) then iloczyn:=30;
    > if (i = 6) and (j = 6) then iloczyn:=36;
    > if (i = 6) and (j = 7) then iloczyn:=42;
    > if (i = 6) and (j = 8) then iloczyn:=48;
    > if (i = 6) and (j = 9) then iloczyn:=54;
    > if (i = 6) and (j = 10) then iloczyn:=60;
    > if (i = 7) and (j = 1) then iloczyn:=7;
    > if (i = 7) and (j = 2) then iloczyn:=14;
    > if (i = 7) and (j = 3) then iloczyn:=21;
    > if (i = 7) and (j = 4) then iloczyn:=28;
    > if (i = 7) and (j = 5) then iloczyn:=35;
    > if (i = 7) and (j = 6) then iloczyn:=42;
    > if (i = 7) and (j = 7) then iloczyn:=49;
    > if (i = 7) and (j = 8) then iloczyn:=56;
    > if (i = 7) and (j = 9) then iloczyn:=63;
    > if (i = 7) and (j = 10) then iloczyn:=70;
    > if (i = 8) and (j = 1) then iloczyn:=8;
    > if (i = 8) and (j = 2) then iloczyn:=16;
    > if (i = 8) and (j = 3) then iloczyn:=24;
    > if (i = 8) and (j = 4) then iloczyn:=32;
    > if (i = 8) and (j = 5) then iloczyn:=40;
    > if (i = 8) and (j = 6) then iloczyn:=48;
    > if (i = 8) and (j = 7) then iloczyn:=56;
    > if (i = 8) and (j = 8) then iloczyn:=64;
    > if (i = 8) and (j = 9) then iloczyn:=72;
    > if (i = 8) and (j = 10) then iloczyn:=80;
    > if (i = 9) and (j = 1) then iloczyn:=9;
    > if (i = 9) and (j = 2) then iloczyn:=18;
    > if (i = 9) and (j = 3) then iloczyn:=27;
    > if (i = 9) and (j = 4) then iloczyn:=36;
    > if (i = 9) and (j = 5) then iloczyn:=45;
    > if (i = 9) and (j = 6) then iloczyn:=54;
    > if (i = 9) and (j = 7) then iloczyn:=63;
    > if (i = 9) and (j = 8) then iloczyn:=72;
    > if (i = 9) and (j = 9) then iloczyn:=81;
    > if (i = 9) and (j = 10) then iloczyn:=90;
    > if (i = 10) and (j = 1) then iloczyn:=10;
    > if (i = 10) and (j = 2) then iloczyn:=20;
    > if (i = 10) and (j = 3) then iloczyn:=30;
    > if (i = 10) and (j = 4) then iloczyn:=40;
    > if (i = 10) and (j = 5) then iloczyn:=50;
    > if (i = 10) and (j = 6) then iloczyn:=60;
    > if (i = 10) and (j = 7) then iloczyn:=70;
    > if (i = 10) and (j = 8) then iloczyn:=80;
    > if (i = 10) and (j = 9) then iloczyn:=90;
    > if (i = 10) and (j = 10) then iloczyn:=100;
    > writeln('Iloczyn tych liczb: ', iloczyn);
    > end.

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