
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.elektronikaMlody Technik › Re: Mlody Technik
  • Data: 2014-02-25 09:36:42
    Temat: Re: Mlody Technik
    Od: Sylwester Łazar <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    > To jest prawda. Dobrze sobie zdawac sprawe co kompilator robi z
    > programem... Ksiazka H&P w sporej czesci traktuje wlasnie o tym
    > problemie
    > >Był tam gdzieś fragment też o tym, że dobrym zwyczajem jest zaglądnąć do
    > >kodu po kompilacji i go poprawić.
    > Ale to akurat nie ma sensu. Mialo sens 30 lat temu, w dobie Z80. MIPS
    > i wspoczesne procesory oparte sa o "pipeline architecture". Kompilator
    > dokonuje znaczacej optymalizacji kodu tak aby jak najlepiej
    > wykorztstac owa "pipeline". Sprowadza sie to - miedzy innymi, ale nie
    > tylko - do zmiany kolejnosci wykonywanai instrukcji i przydzielania
    > rejestrow co wymaga globalnej analizy programu.
    Chyba nagiąłem nieco słowa autora :-)
    Wklejam więc w oryginale:
    10.2 Code Development for Embedded Processors
    An embedded system usually lacks secondary storage (e.g. a hard disk).
    Typically all of
    the code is stored in Read Only Memory (ROM). Usually, most of the code
    written for
    embedded processors is first written in a high-level languages such as C.
    who can visualize how the high-level code will be translated into assembly
    language code
    will most likely develop the "best" code. Then programmers who have an
    understanding of the assembly language for the target processor, will
    analyze the code
    generated by the compiler looking for ways to make further optimizations.
    In other
    words, they look for ways to speed up the execution, or to reduce the amount
    of code that
    has to be stored in ROM. Typically, for real-time applications, the code
    must be finetuned,
    to meet the system's performance requirements. Any programmer with the
    skills to
    accomplish this kind of optimization will be highly sought after.

    The kernel of the
    operating system deals with responding to interrupts and scheduling tasks.
    This code as
    well as the I/O drivers will typically be the first code to be scrutinized.
    Dalej jest też trochę o 68000 i programowaniu w asm na inne:

    The Motorola 68000 and its derivatives currently have the largest share of
    the embedded
    market. While the MIPS processor is classified as a RISC processor, the
    Motorola 68000
    is classified as a Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC). With a solid
    of the MIPS processor and experience in developing assembly language code
    for the
    MIPS processor, it is a relatively easy task to make the transition to
    assembly language
    for other processors.

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