
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.elektronikaMetoda fotochemiczna - wywolywaczRe: Metoda fotochemiczna - wywolywacz
  • Path:!!!!news.unit!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
    From: sundayman <>
    Newsgroups: pl.misc.elektronika
    Subject: Re: Metoda fotochemiczna - wywolywacz
    Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2017 03:19:51 +0100
    Organization: NNTP Server
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    Xref: pl.misc.elektronika:725659
    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    >> "The main thing to say here is DO NOT USE SODIUM HYDROXIDE for developing
    >> photoresist laminates. Use of Sodium hydroxide is the primary reason
    >> people complain about poor results when trying to photo-etch PCBs."
    >> "It is completely and utterly dreadful stuff for developing PCBs - apart
    >> from it's causticity, it's very sensitive to both temperature and
    >> concentration, and made-up solution doesn't last long. Too weak and it
    >> doesn't develop at all, too strong and it strips all the resist off. It's
    >> almost impossible to get reliable and consistent results, especially so if
    >> making PCBs in an environment with large temperature variations (garage,
    >> shed etc), as is often the case for such messy activities as PCB making."

    Patrz. Nie wiedziałem. I używam kreta dokładnie tak jak napisał jacek.
    Działa. A skoro działa - po co przepłacać ? :)

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