
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.elektronikaMetoda fotochemiczna - wywolywaczRe: Metoda fotochemiczna - wywolywacz
  • Data: 2017-11-05 01:51:50
    Temat: Re: Metoda fotochemiczna - wywolywacz
    Od: g...@s...invalid (Adam Wysocki) szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    jacek <> wrote:

    > Wywołuje kretem 7 do 9 gram na 1 litr wody
    > temperatura kąpieli ok 30 stopni, czas wywoływania
    > do 30 sekund.

    Kuszące, ale tu:

    piszą, że:

    "The main thing to say here is DO NOT USE SODIUM HYDROXIDE for developing
    photoresist laminates. Use of Sodium hydroxide is the primary reason
    people complain about poor results when trying to photo-etch PCBs."

    "It is completely and utterly dreadful stuff for developing PCBs - apart
    from it's causticity, it's very sensitive to both temperature and
    concentration, and made-up solution doesn't last long. Too weak and it
    doesn't develop at all, too strong and it strips all the resist off. It's
    almost impossible to get reliable and consistent results, especially so if
    making PCBs in an environment with large temperature variations (garage,
    shed etc), as is often the case for such messy activities as PCB making."

    Więc wolałem jakiś niekretowy wywoływacz :) Przecież one też muszą

    [ Email: a@b a=grp ]
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