Data: 2016-01-03 16:57:22
Temat: Re: Mercedes wyzywa Tesle na wojnę
Od: "Pszemol" <P...@P...com> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]"Pszemol" <P...@P...com> wrote in message
> "Diabełson" <h...@s...org> wrote in message
> news:5686aa81$0$22837$65785112@news.neostrada.pl...
>> W dniu 2016-01-01 o 00:03, Pszemol pisze:
>>> Tu masz więcej na ten temat:
>>> http://www.wsj.com/articles/saudi-arabia-announces-2
>> "To read full story, subscribe or sign in". Jak masz subscribe to daj
>> screena.
> A to ciekawe, bo nie mam subskrypcji ale wczoraj pojawił się
> na moim pececie cały artykuł poobejrzeniu reklamówki
> a dziś już widzę tylko zajawkę...
> Ale jak wyguglasz "budget 2016 arab saudi income tax"
> https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=budget+arab+sau
> to dostaniesz mnóstwo innych źródeł/komentarzy na ten
> temat bo to się przetoczyło przez serwisy finansowe
> w ostatnich dniach jak burza. To są 4 pierwsze linki u mnie:
> http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/12/saudi-arabia-h
> http://susris.com/2015/12/29/saudi-arabias-2016-fisc
> http://www.reuters.com/article/us-saudi-budget-idUSK
> http://www.arabnews.com/economy/news/856781
Tu jeszcze jedno wideo do kolecji na ten temat:
So oil prices crawled off their 11-year low overnight - big whoop. Such
gyrations are merely part of the present tussle between supply and demand.
There's a more serious problem hanging over the oil price that won't be
solved by capping a few wells.
Passing remarks in a social setting made to me by a former oil industry CEO
and current chairman provided some insight into the growing despair about
price: uncertainty about how much of the current plunge is merely the
cycle, or something structural.
Extrapolating his thinking, what worries hydrocarbon producers isn't just
the surge in production meeting lack-lustre demand thanks to slower global
economic growth - it's the way renewables are becoming cheaper as the
technology rapidly improves, chasing oil, gas and coal prices down.
It becomes harder to believe coal and oil prices will bounce much out of
this cyclical low simply because the falling price of renewables will
effectively cap the upside.
Eventually mines that lose money will be closed and oil companies will stop
drilling wells that can't pay for themselves and there are billions of
people who will consume more energy as they attain the improved standard of
living they seek. However, the resulting reduction of supply and increase in
demand will butt up against the promise of more and cheaper renewables.
At the same time, the established fuel industries will keep renewables the
more expensive overall option for a long time yet, even while renewables
improve their efficiency.
Carbon and renewables are locked in competitive downward spiral. Whatever
improvements are made by renewables, coal and oil will be priced more
cheaply until some distant point.
Running at a loss
Why and how coal (and oil) is and will be produced at a loss has been neatly
explained by the Australia Institute's Richard Denniss:
"Imagine you owned an ice cream van parked by the beach and your
refrigerator broke. No matter what you paid for the ice cream, you should
sell it for anything you can before it melts. Some money is better than no
"Now imagine that you owned billions of tonnes of coal and you thought that
in 20 years time new technology or new global restrictions meant you might
not be able to sell it. We have heard for decades how Australia had
'hundreds of years' worth of coal, but now we are trying to sell it in a few
decades. The green paradox says that talk of future emission reductions can
cause an increase in current coal production. Indeed, global coal production
has risen 50 percent since the world first agreed to reduce emissions in
Dumping coal (and oil) on the market keeps renewables expensive, but it also
provides the incentive to make renewables cheaper. There are very good
arguments for governments to invest more in renewables research than just
subsidising the existing quality of solar and wind projects.
Pricing carbon
That green paradox further confuses Australia's quixotic attempt to avoid
pricing carbon. A recent The Economist article by Toulouse School of
Economics authors makes the point that subsidising renewables can be
counterproductive without also pricing carbon.
For the oil industry, the immediate worry is the rapid rise of electric
cars. They're still expensive with a tiny market share, but the fear is that
they are evolving very quickly as car manufacturers race to develop them.
The irony is that the main source of power for your fancy Tesla right now is
coal. And that's not changing any time soon.
"Coal burner" doesn't have quite the same ring to it as "electric car'.
Read more:
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