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From: "r...@k...pl" <r...@k...pl>
Newsgroups: pl.misc.elektronika
Subject: Re: Ładowarka z ali od środka 3xUSB
Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2017 21:38:52 +0200
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]Tue, 04 Jul 2017 21:34:47 +0200, w
<p...@4...com>, "r...@k...pl"
<r...@k...pl> napisał(-a):
> Jeszcze co innego jest miłe -- ta ładowarka emuluje protokoły różnych
> producentów, więc umożliwia uzyskanie prądu ładowania ponad 1A.
There are several semi-standards for USB current on chargers, and the small
chips that are connected to the data lines on each port provide several
functions. They emulate the various protocols used by the many manufacturers of
chargers, like Apple, Samsung, Asus, and provide the correct voltages and
resistance. If you leave the data pins open, most devices will not go any
further than 500 mA, because that's the max for USB2.0 ports on a computer. If
you short the data lines out, they will usually go no further than 1000 mA,
because they know that it's a dedicated charger, but have no info on the
maximum current, so they assume 1000 mA. But if you provide the correct
(voltage/voltage divider) protocol, then higher current devices like tablets
will draw the full amount they are designed for, like 2000mA per port. Take a
look at the TPS2511 or TPS2540 from TI as an example. The chips also do current
limiting and overvoltage protection and various other stuff to keep your
devices happy when they are plugged in.?
Brzydka ta Koppla jak noc, ale trzeba zanabyć.
A szkoda, bo na ali są ładniejsze :)
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 05.07.17 09:24 J.F.
- 05.07.17 09:26 J.F.
- 05.07.17 09:46 Andrzej W.
- 05.07.17 09:47 Andrzej W.
- 05.07.17 10:33 J.F.
- 05.07.17 11:14 r...@k...pl
- 05.07.17 11:46 Andrzej W.
- 05.07.17 12:13 J.F.
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