
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.telefoniaKoniec telefonów w dostępie radiowym w TPRe: Koniec telefonów w dostępie radiowym w TP
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    From: Michal Jankowski <>
    Newsgroups: pl.misc.telefonia
    Subject: Re: Koniec telefonów w dostępie radiowym w TP
    Date: Thu, 17 May 2012 10:47:39 +0200
    Organization: Warsaw University, Physics Department
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    Nie wiem, skąd te pół grama...

    "NASA uses five general-purpose computers in the Shuttle. Each one is
    an IBM AP-101 central processing unit (CPU) coupled with a
    custom-built input/output processor (IOP). The AP-101 has the same
    type of registers and architecture used in the IBM System 360 and
    throughout the 4Pi series. IBM announced the 4Pi in 1966, so by the
    early 1970s, when Shuttle procurement was complete, the machine had
    had extensive operational use. The AP-101 version, which is an
    upgraded AP-1, has since been used in the B-52 and B-1B military
    aircraft and the F-8 digital fly-by-wire experimental aircraft. The
    central processor in each case is the same, but the IOP is adapted to
    the particular application."

    "Each CPU is 7.62 inches high, 10.2 inches wide and 19.55 inches long;
    it weighs 57 pounds. The IOPs are the same size and weight as the

    "Due to packaging considerations, the core memory is located partly in
    the central processor and partly in the IOP (they are boxed
    separately). However, it is still considered as a single unit for
    addressing and access."

    Czyli w sumie 114 funtów na komputer z pamięcią i układami IO. I pięć
    takich komputerów na szatla... Trochę to ważyło.

    Przy czym wybór IBM AP-101 jako komputerów dla szatla dokonał się w


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