
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.pecetKlonowanie HDD na SSDRe: Klonowanie HDD na SSD
  • Data: 2011-05-30 10:03:51
    Temat: Re: Klonowanie HDD na SSD
    Od: "Q" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    > Zrzut jest wykonywany nawet jak nie ma swapa.

    Byc moze masz racje - nie wiem dokladnie jak to dziala,
    bo nie mam swapa i plikow w katalogu minidump, ale:

    "Windows can be configured to use free space on any available drives for
    pagefiles. It is required, however, for the boot partition (i.e. the drive
    containing the Windows directory) to have a pagefile on it if the system is
    configured to write either kernel or full memory dumps after a crash.
    Windows uses the paging file as temporary storage for the memory dump. When
    the system is rebooted, Windows copies the memory dump from the pagefile to
    a separate file and frees the space that was used in the pagefile."

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