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Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 22:09:51 +0100
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Subject: Re: Karty CF - ograniczona liczba cykli odczytu?
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]Piotr "Curious" Slawinski pisze:
> a mozna prosic zrodlo tej informacji i ew. jakich producentow (i jakich
> pojemnosci) karty sa na to narazone?
Jutro wypytam kolegę z działu "hardware" - na razie znalazłem krótki
opis zjawiska:
During the read-out operation, the read voltage Vread is applied to
control gates of the deselected cell transistors and the ground voltage
is applied to a substrate (e.g., a bulk) of the deselected cell
transistors. The drains of the deselected cell transistors are supplied
with a predetermined voltage. The application of the read voltage Vread
and the ground voltage causes a bias condition during the read-out
As illustrated in FIG. 3, the bias condition can cause electrons to be
injected into a floating gate of the deselected cell transistor from the
substrate during the read-out operation. The electrons can result in an
unintentional programming (or soft programming) of a deselected cell
transistor in on-state (or erased state), which is referred to as a
'read disturbance'.
A read disturbance may cause threshold voltages of the on-state (or
erased state) memory cells to gradually increase. As noted by the shaded
area shown in FIG. 4, threshold voltages of the on-state memory cells
increase in proportion to number of read-out operations that are
performed. The voltage increases may cause some of the on-state memory
cells to be erroneously detected as off-cells, resulting in read fails.
As the number of read-out operations performed increases, the
probability of a read fail increases as shown in FIG. 5. If the number
of bit errors exceeds a permissible range, a block corresponding thereto
is treated as a bad block. The bad block containing the erroneous data
is replaced by a reserved memory block, which is stored in the flash
memory device. Here, the bad block is caused by a read disturbance, and
not worn out by repetition of the programming or reading operation.
Therefore, the bad block may be reused through erasure and replacement.
Tekst pochodzi o opisu patentu na przeciwdziałanie zjawisku - więc
możliwe że większość kart na rynku nie robi już takich numerów
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 26.03.10 15:39 Piotr \"Curious\" Slawinski
- 26.03.10 18:54 grg12
- 26.03.10 19:07 Mirek
- 26.03.10 19:41 Mirek
- 26.03.10 19:54 Mirek
- 26.03.10 19:50 Piotr \"Curious\" Slawinski
- 27.03.10 18:38 Piotr \"Curious\" Slawinski
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