
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingJak zbudować Boosta?Re: Jak zbudować Boosta?
  • Data: 2016-09-15 07:07:58
    Temat: Re: Jak zbudować Boosta?
    Od: Borneq <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    W dniu 15.09.2016 o 07:04, Borneq pisze:
    > Nie dla kompilatora Visuala ale dla MinGW bo ten obsługuje
    > multiprecision/float128.hpp ?

    Znalazłem coś:

    First make sure your mingw's bin directory is in your environment PATH
    so gcc and g++ is callable from your command prompt. Afterwards go into
    your boost's root directory of where you extracted the files.

    Follow that with a bootstrap + b2.exe to build. For example, let's say
    you only want to compile the regex portion of boost. The follow commands
    should do the trick:

    bootstrap mingw
    b2 toolset=gcc regex
    You can use:

    b2 --show-libraries
    to get a listing of modules you can build individually. Of course you
    can build all of them with just:

    b2 toolset=gcc
    Check out Boost Invocation for a detailed list of available options.

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