
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.sci.inzynieriaI Alternatywne Forum Energetyczne - program. 30 maja, WrocławRe: I Alternatywne Forum Energetyczne - program. 30 maja, Wroc?aw
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    From: A.L. <>
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    Subject: Re: I Alternatywne Forum Energetyczne - program. 30 maja, Wroc?aw
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    Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 06:30:05 -0500
    Xref: pl.sci.inzynieria:24231
    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    On Tue, 26 May 2009 12:57:44 +0200, "Martin McKey Ltd."
    <> wrote:

    >Przy okazji Forum pokazane zostaną między innymi: prototypy samochodu na

    Zaloze sie ze nie pokaza tego samochodu bo w ostatniej chwili okaze
    sie ze wsrod widowni jest pzredstawiciel CIA, HGB, Chryslera, Toyoty,
    niepotzrebne skreslic

    Inventor Of Water Powered Car Murdered?

    This was an amazing video that was just released today on Google
    Video. This man Stan Meyer's built a car that runs entirely on water.
    The car gets 100 miles to the gallon, which is just astonishing. Well,
    what do you think happened to this earth changing inventor.... hmm the
    man was allegedly poisoned, and died in 1998. Later that week all of
    his equipment and the car that he created has stolen and never
    recovered. Stan Meyer's had spoken repeatedly about how he was being
    threatened by oil companies, but refused to bow to their wishes of
    abandoning the project.
    You can check out how oil companies and The White House deceive us
    right now here and here, or learn about who killed the electric car
    here or just watch the video below.


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