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Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2014 03:15:24 -0700 (PDT)
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Subject: Re: HTM5 - po co komu kanwa, jezeli nie dziala?
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]>
a co to dokladnie robi? bo wyglada troche nieprzyjemnie.. edytor wyżarł spacje czy ty
tez tak piszesz trzeba tez w tym kodzie uzywac takich dlugich przypisan
this.canvas = canvas;
this.xmin = null;
this.xmax = null;
this.xtic = null;
this.xmtic = null;
this.ymin = null;
this.ymax = null;
this.ytic = null;
this.ymtic = null;
this.fontSize = 12;
this.insetSize = 12;
xBins = xBins || 9;
yBins = yBins || 7;
var bx = this.binsize(this.xmin, this.xmax, xBins);
this.xtic = bx.bin;
this.xmin = bx.lo;
this.xmax = bx.hi;
this.xmtic = bx.mtic;
var by = this.binsize(this.ymin, this.ymax, yBins);
this.ytic = by.bin;
this.ymin = by.lo;
this.ymax = by.hi;
this.ymtic = by.mtic;
wyglada to nieladnie, w kazdym razie tak konkretna romowa o kodzie to jest mw to o co
by mi chodzilo
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- 04.08.14 19:56 slawek
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- 05.08.14 07:42 slawek
- 05.08.14 11:26 firr
- 05.08.14 12:16 slawek
- 05.08.14 12:28 firr
- 05.08.14 13:12 slawek
- 05.08.14 13:33 R.e.m.e.K
- 05.08.14 15:05 firr
- 05.08.14 15:12 R.e.m.e.K
- 08.08.14 13:24 firr
- 08.08.14 13:46 R.e.m.e.K
- 08.08.14 19:06 slawek
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