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From: "slawek" <h...@s...pl>
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Subject: Re: HTM5 - po co komu kanwa, jezeli nie dziala?
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2014 11:38:41 +0200
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]Użytkownik "Pszemol" napisał w wiadomości grup
>Podajcie link do witryny www - chetnie potestuje na Safari/iPhone4.
Na razie "NDA" odnośnie całości - za parę miesięcy będzie publikacja nt.
"Bardzo Poważnego Problemu" (nie-informatycznego) w jakimś peer reviewed coś
Jak ktoś chce, to może spróbować z samą grafiką: powinno (i na PC nawet to
robi) rysować wykresy XY nieco podobnie jak robi to Matlab. Jest tylko
rysowanie kolorowych linii (ciągłe, przerwane, ...), ale akurat to mi
wystarcza aż nadto. Kolejność ma znaczenie - wywołanie plot musi być po
vector1, vector2, ... to po prostu tablice liczb.
* var plt = new Plot(canvas);
* plt.range('x',vector1,'y',vector2,'y',vector3, ... );
* plt.axes();
* plt.plot(vector1,vector2,'r-', vector1,vector2,'g-.', ... );
function Plot(canvas) {
this.canvas = canvas;
this.xmin = null;
this.xmax = null;
this.xtic = null;
this.xmtic = null;
this.ymin = null;
this.ymax = null;
this.ytic = null;
this.ymtic = null;
this.fontSize = 12;
this.insetSize = 12;
this.font = this.fontSize + "px sans-serif";
this.text_extend =
this.margin_left = this.insetSize + this.text_extend;
this.margin_right = this.insetSize;
this.margin_top = this.insetSize;
this.margin_bottom = this.insetSize + this.fontSize;
this.ticSize = this.fontSize / 6;
this.width = this.canvas.width - this.margin_left - this.margin_right;
this.height = this.canvas.height - this.margin_top - this.margin_bottom;
this.fx = function (x) {
return ((x - this.xmin) / (this.xmax - this.xmin) * this.width);
this.fy = function (y) {
return ( - (y - this.ymin) / (this.ymax - this.ymin) * this.height);
this.prepareContext = function () {
var dc = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
dc.font = this.font;
dc.translate(0.5, 0.5);
dc.translate(this.margin_left, this.canvas.height - this.margin_bottom);
return dc;
this.releaseContext = function (dc) {
Plot.prototype.axisStroke = function (dc) {
dc.strokeStyle = "#000";
dc.setLineDash([1, 0]);
Plot.prototype.gridStroke = function (dc, isNotMajorGrid) {
if (isNotMajorGrid) {
dc.strokeStyle = "#111";
dc.setLineDash([1, 2]);
} else {
dc.strokeStyle = "#222";
dc.setLineDash([2, 2]);
Plot.prototype.plotStroke = function (dc, lineStyle) {
if (lineStyle.search("r") != (-1))
dc.strokeStyle = "#f00";
else if (lineStyle.search("g") != (-1))
dc.strokeStyle = "#070";
else if (lineStyle.search("b") != (-1))
dc.strokeStyle = "#007";
dc.strokeStyle = "#000";
if (lineStyle.search("--") != (-1))
dc.setLineDash([12, 4]);
else if (lineStyle.search("-.") != (-1))
dc.setLineDash([12, 4, 4, 4]);
else if (lineStyle.search("-") != (-1))
dc.setLineDash([16, 0]);
else if (lineStyle.search(":") != (-1))
dc.setLineDash([4, 4]);
Plot.prototype.binsize = function (min_value, max_value, sections) {
var bin;
var factors = [1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 4.0, 5.0, 10.0];
var mtictab = [5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5];
var delta = (max_value - min_value) / sections;
var magnitude = Math.floor(Math.log(delta) / Math.LN10);
var base = Math.exp(magnitude * Math.LN10);
var i = 0;
do {
bin = base * factors[i];
mtic = mtictab[i];
} while (i < factors.length && bin < delta)
var lo = Math.floor(min_value / bin) * bin;
var hi = Math.ceil(max_value / bin) * bin;
return {
bin : bin,
lo : lo,
hi : hi,
mtic : mtic
Plot.prototype.range = function (name1, vector1) {
var i = 0;
while (i < arguments.length) {
var name = arguments[i++];
var vector = arguments[i++];
var vector_min = Math.min.apply(Math, vector);
var vector_max = Math.max.apply(Math, vector);
switch (name) {
case 'x':
case 'X':
this.xmin = (this.xmin !== null) ? Math.min(this.xmin, vector_min) :
this.xmax = (this.xmax !== null) ? Math.max(this.xmax, vector_max) :
case 'y':
case 'Y':
this.ymin = (this.ymin !== null) ? Math.min(this.ymin, vector_min) :
this.ymax = (this.ymax !== null) ? Math.max(this.ymax, vector_max) :
Plot.prototype.axes = function (xBins, yBins) {
xBins = xBins || 9;
yBins = yBins || 7;
var bx = this.binsize(this.xmin, this.xmax, xBins);
this.xtic = bx.bin;
this.xmin = bx.lo;
this.xmax = bx.hi;
this.xmtic = bx.mtic;
var by = this.binsize(this.ymin, this.ymax, yBins);
this.ytic = by.bin;
this.ymin = by.lo;
this.ymax = by.hi;
this.ymtic = by.mtic;
var dc = this.prepareContext();
dc.textBaseline = "top";
for (var k = 0, x = this.xmin; x <= this.xmax; k++, x += this.xtic /
this.xmtic) {
var i = this.fx(x);
if ((k % this.xmtic) == 0) {
if (x != this.xmin)
dc.textAlign = "center";
dc.textAlign = "left";
if (this.width - i < this.text_extend / 2)
dc.textAlign = "right";
if (Math.abs(x) < Number.EPSILON * Math.abs(this.xmax - this.xmin))
dc.fillText(Number(0).toExponential(2), i, this.ticSize);
dc.fillText(x.toExponential(2), i, this.ticSize);
dc.moveTo(i, 0);
dc.lineTo(i, -this.height);
this.gridStroke(dc, k % this.xmtic);
dc.moveTo(i, 0);
dc.lineTo(i, this.ticSize);
dc.textAlign = "right";
dc.textBaseline = "middle";
for (var k = 0, y = this.ymin; y <= this.ymax; k++, y += this.ytic /
this.ymtic) {
var j = this.fy(y);
if (k % this.ymtic == 0) {
if (Math.abs(y) < Number.EPSILON * Math.abs(this.ymax - this.ymin))
dc.fillText(Number(0).toExponential(2), -2 * this.ticSize, j);
dc.fillText(y.toExponential(2), -2 * this.ticSize, j);
dc.moveTo(0, j);
dc.lineTo(this.width, j);
this.gridStroke(dc, k % this.ymtic);
dc.moveTo(0, j);
dc.lineTo(-this.ticSize, j);
dc.moveTo(0, 0);
dc.lineTo(0, -this.height);
dc.moveTo(0, 0);
dc.lineTo(this.width, 0);
Plot.prototype.plot = function (xvector, yvector, lineStyle) {
var iargin = 0;
var nargin = arguments.length;
while (iargin < nargin) {
xvector = arguments[iargin++];
yvector = arguments[iargin++];
if (iargin < nargin && typeof(arguments[iargin]) == typeof(""))
lineStyle = arguments[iargin++];
lineStyle = "r-";
if (this.xmin === null || this.xmax === null)
this.range('x', xvector);
if (this.ymin === null || this.ymax === null)
this.range('y', yvector);
var dc = this.prepareContext();
var i = this.fx(xvector[0]);
var j = this.fy(yvector[0]);
dc.moveTo(i, j);
for (k = 0; k < xvector.length; k++) {
i = this.fx(xvector[k]);
j = this.fy(yvector[k]);
dc.lineTo(i, j);
this.plotStroke(dc, lineStyle);
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- 04.08.14 19:48 slawek
- 04.08.14 19:56 slawek
- 05.08.14 06:19 firr
- 05.08.14 07:42 slawek
- 05.08.14 11:26 firr
- 05.08.14 12:16 slawek
- 05.08.14 12:28 firr
- 05.08.14 13:12 slawek
- 05.08.14 13:33 R.e.m.e.K
- 05.08.14 15:05 firr
- 05.08.14 15:12 R.e.m.e.K
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- 08.08.14 13:46 R.e.m.e.K
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