Data: 2010-08-19 14:46:50
Temat: Re: Gun-Engine - dlaczego nikt tego nie produkuje?
Od: "kamil" <k...@s...com> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]" Johnny Hooker" <j...@W...gazeta.pl> wrote in message
> "So what’s the problem? Where are the companies that make engines?
> First up
> is and always will be the “not invented here” mental illness.
> On the other
> hand the Otto cycle gasoline and compression ignition Rudolf Diesel
> designs
> are not invented here anyway. Then it’s hard to let go of the wins
> from
> controlling and managing the fuel ignition successes we have today, even
> as
> these lessons will advance the new Holubowicz design principles rapidly.
> Then
> its been reported that Mr. Holubowicz has been approached by concerns who
> wish to license/buy the entirety of the design as opposed taking out a
> license, while understandable, this is greed beyond any accusation leveled
> on
> any other segment of the energy industry. The approach also is a sulk,
> stick
> head in sand and make one’s ass a target path of behavior.
> What to do? Someday a director of a major engine producer will catch on
> and
> the word will go out, “we better not be anything other than
> first!” Meanwhile
> the blame targets of today are going to be validly saying the
> responsibility
> isn’t theirs alone. It is finger-pointing time, like it or not.
> There’s a
> large reservoir of inaction just waiting to see the light of day."
Pierwsza firma, ktora wprowadzi do sprzedazy tak rewolucyjny produkt zarobi
ciezkie pieniadze. Granty rzadowe rozdawane producentom ekologicznych zrodel
energii to miliardy dolcow rocznie i jakos tajemnicze lobby naftowe nie
ogranicza takich dzialan, a wyprodukowac silnika nie ma komu?
Glowe dam, ze maczaja w tym palce ci sami ludzie, ktorzy trzymaja w
szufladzie lekarstwo na raka i AIDS.
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 19.08.10 14:49 Andrzej Lawa
- 19.08.10 14:51 kamil
- 19.08.10 14:52 Johnny Hooker
- 19.08.10 15:04 Johnny Hooker
- 19.08.10 15:09 Johnny Hooker
- 19.08.10 15:16 kamil
- 19.08.10 15:41 Andrzej Lawa
- 19.08.10 16:30 kml
- 19.08.10 17:42 Robert Rędziak
- 19.08.10 17:42 Robert Rędziak
- 19.08.10 21:24 Andrzej Lawa
- 19.08.10 22:01 Jaroslaw Berezowski
- 19.08.10 21:55 Jaroslaw Berezowski
- 19.08.10 22:24 Robert Rędziak
- 19.08.10 22:27 Robert Rędziak
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