Data: 2009-12-17 18:37:01
Temat: Re: Generalna niska przepustowosc internetu 16.12.2009
Od: "MrG" <mrg[nospuuuuuum]@nowanet.pl> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]ADIN DWA TRI
nie radzili sobie przed kampania ze swoja siecia to teraz sobie maja zaczac
radzic ?
Uzytkownik "uosiu" <u...@g...com> napisal w wiadomosci
> Witam, posiadam 2mbit/s od netii, we wrocu.
> blip.pl - ledwo dziala
> jabster.pl co chwile rwie polaczenie
> kofeinka.net rowniez
> transporty gadu na obydwu serwerach podobnie
> youtube ledwo dziala (SD)
> gmail do minuty sie laduje
> dla porownania z jarowit.net do jabstera wszystko smiga pieknie.
> 21:59 [ root @ samhain ] /root ROOTMODE> tracepath jabster.pl
> 1: ( 0.199ms
> pmtu 1500
> 1: ( 3.194ms
> asymm 2
> 1: ( 3.053ms
> asymm 2
> 2: Jaworzno-bras2.inetia.pl ( 83.964ms
> asymm 3
> 3: JawoH001RT10-JawoH001RT09.inetia.pl ( 83.635ms
> 4: JAWOH001RT09-WARSH002RT22.inetia.pl ( 111.633ms
> 5: WarsH002rt22-WarsB010rt03.inetia.pl ( 93.566ms
> 6: xe-3-0-0-107.waw10.ip4.tinet.net ( 90.571ms
> asymm 7
> 7: xe-2-3-0.fra23.ip4.tinet.net ( 110.759ms
> asymm 8
> 8: no reply
> 9: no reply
> 10: no reply
> 11: no reply
> 12: ( 137.827ms
> asymm 13
> 13: hektar.jabbim.cz ( 138.068ms
> reached
> Resume: pmtu 1500 hops 13 back 51
> 22:00 [ root @ samhain ] /root ROOTMODE> tracepath blip.pl
> 1: ( 0.157ms
> pmtu 1500
> 1: ( 3.212ms
> asymm 2
> 1: ( 3.130ms
> asymm 2
> 2: Jaworzno-bras2.inetia.pl ( 86.542ms
> asymm 3
> 3: JawoH001RT10-JawoH001RT09.inetia.pl ( 83.373ms
> 4: JawoH001RT09-WarsH002RT22.inetia.pl ( 90.147ms
> asymm 7
> 5: WarsH002RT22-WarsB010RT06.inetia.pl ( 93.504ms
> 6: m320-pl-4-1-0-800.atman.pl ( 101.525ms
> asymm 7
> 7: no reply
> 8: no reply
> 9: no reply
> 10: no reply
> 11: no reply
> 12: no reply
> 13: no reply
> 14: no reply
> 15: no reply
> 16: no reply
> 17: no reply
> 18: no reply
> 19: no reply
> 20: no reply
> 21: no reply
> 22: no reply
> 23: no reply
> 24: no reply
> 25: no reply
> 26: no reply
> 27: no reply
> 28: no reply
> 29: no reply
> 30: no reply
> 31: no reply
> Too many hops: pmtu 1500
> Resume: pmtu 1500
> 22:02 [ root @ samhain ] /root ROOTMODE> tracepath wp.pl
> 1: ( 0.137ms
> pmtu 1500
> 1: ( 3.488ms
> asymm 2
> 1: ( 3.362ms
> asymm 2
> 2: Jaworzno-bras2.inetia.pl ( 96.037ms
> asymm 3
> 3: JawoH001RT10-JawoH001RT09.inetia.pl ( 84.749ms
> 4: JAWOH001RT09-WARSH002RT22.inetia.pl ( 90.212ms
> asymm 7
> 5: WarsH002RT22-WarsB010RT06.inetia.pl ( 93.386ms
> 6: m320-pl-4-1-0-800.atman.pl ( 88.754ms
> asymm 7
> 7: no reply
> 8: do-r2.rtrd1.adm.wp-sa.pl ( 98.380ms
> asymm 10
> 9: www.wp.pl ( 96.855ms
> reached
> Resume: pmtu 1500 hops 9 back 245
> 22:02 [ root @ samhain ] /root ROOTMODE> tracepath google.com
> 1: ( 0.130ms
> pmtu 1500
> 1: ( 3.054ms
> asymm 2
> 1: ( 3.509ms
> asymm 2
> 2: Jaworzno-bras2.inetia.pl ( 88.474ms
> asymm 3
> 3: JawoH001RT10-JawoH001RT09.inetia.pl ( 82.639ms
> 4: ( 88.892ms
> 5: WarsH002rt22-WarsB010rt03.inetia.pl ( 92.602ms
> 6: xe-3-0-0-107.waw10.ip4.tinet.net ( 90.043ms
> asymm 7
> 7: xe-10-1-0.fra21.ip4.tinet.net ( 112.496ms
> asymm 10
> 8: no reply
> 9: no reply
> 10: no reply
> 11: no reply
> 12: no reply
> 13: no reply
> 14: no reply
> 15: no reply
> 16: no reply
> 17: no reply
> 18: no reply
> 19: no reply
> 20: no reply
> 21: no reply
> 22: no reply
> 23: no reply
> 24: no reply
> 25: no reply
> 26: no reply
> 27: no reply
> 28: no reply
> 29: no reply
> 30: no reply
> 31: no reply
> Too many hops: pmtu 1500
> Resume: pmtu 1500
> 22:02 [ root @ samhain ] /root ROOTMODE> tracepath google.pl
> 1: ( 0.178ms
> pmtu 1500
> 1: ( 2.977ms
> asymm 2
> 1: ( 3.480ms
> asymm 2
> 2: Jaworzno-bras2.inetia.pl ( 82.850ms
> asymm 3
> 3: JawoH001RT10-JawoH001RT09.inetia.pl ( 106.729ms
> 4: JawoH001RT09-WarsH002RT22.inetia.pl ( 90.190ms
> 5: WarsH002rt22-WarsB010rt03.inetia.pl ( 93.624ms
> 6: xe-4-1-0.waw10.ip4.tinet.net ( 100.968ms
> asymm 7
> 7: xe-10-1-0.fra21.ip4.tinet.net ( 114.554ms
> asymm 10
> 8: no reply
> 9: no reply
> 10: no reply
> 11: no reply
> 12: no reply
> 13: no reply
> 14: no reply
> 15: no reply
> 16: no reply
> 17: no reply
> 18: no reply
> 19: no reply
> 20: no reply
> 21: no reply
> 22: no reply
> 23: no reply
> 24: no reply
> 25: no reply
> 26: no reply
> 27: no reply
> 28: no reply
> 29: no reply
> 30: no reply
> 31: no reply
> Too many hops: pmtu 1500
> Resume: pmtu 1500
> 22:04 [ root @ samhain ] /root ROOTMODE> tracepath gadu-gadu.pl
> 1: ( 0.195ms
> pmtu 1500
> 1: ( 3.083ms
> asymm 2
> 1: ( 3.032ms
> asymm 2
> 2: Jaworzno-bras2.inetia.pl ( 83.837ms
> asymm 3
> 3: JawoH001RT10-JawoH001RT09.inetia.pl ( 82.524ms
> 4: JawoH001RT09-WarsH002RT22.inetia.pl ( 90.503ms
> asymm 7
> 5: WarsH002RT22-WarsB010RT06.inetia.pl ( 94.673ms
> 6: m320-pl-4-1-0-800.atman.pl ( 90.507ms
> asymm 7
> 7: no reply
> 8: no reply
> 9: no reply
> Czyli tinet.pl i atman maja problemy z siecia...
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