
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.elektronikaGNU assembler (GAS) - pytanie o #define › Re: GNU assembler (GAS) - pytanie o #define
  • Data: 2009-11-18 08:14:41
    Temat: Re: GNU assembler (GAS) - pytanie o #define
    Od: SM <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    > Można:
    > -nostartfiles
    > Do not use the standard system startup files when linking. The standard
    > system libraries are used normally, unless -nostdlib or -nodefaultlibs
    > is used.
    > -nodefaultlibs
    > Do not use the standard system libraries when linking. Only the
    > libraries you specify will be passed to the linker. The standard startup
    > files are used normally, unless -nostartfiles is used. The compiler may
    > generate calls to memcmp, memset, memcpy and memmove. These entries are
    > usually resolved by entries in libc. These entry points should be
    > supplied through some other mechanism when this option is specified.
    > -nostdlib
    > Do not use the standard system startup files or libraries when linking.
    > No startup files and only the libraries you specify will be passed to
    > the linker. The compiler may generate calls to memcmp, memset, memcpy
    > and memmove. These entries are usually resolved by entries in libc.
    > These entry points should be supplied through some other mechanism when
    > this option is specified.

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