
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.sci.inzynieriaElektrolizaRe: Elektroliza
  • Data: 2022-08-02 02:31:34
    Temat: Re: Elektroliza
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    On Tuesday, 2 August 2022 at 01:02:52 UTC+2, Marcin Debowski wrote:
    > On 2022-08-01, Robert Wańkowski <> wrote:
    > > W dniu 2022-08-01 o 11:52, a a pisze:
    > >> Przy prądzie zmiennym nie przebiega elektroliza
    > >
    > > Ja pisałem o przemienny.
    > > To przy 50 Hz nie zachodzi, a przy 0,1 Hz zachodzi. Gdzie jest granica?
    > Zachodzi oczywiście przy obu. Potrzeba podejrzewam dużo większych
    > częstotliwości aby efekty były zerowe, teraherze może? Natomiast na
    > poziomie instrumentalnym pewnie będzie dużo mniej, bo pojemności będą
    > bruździć.
    > Oczywiście osobną sprawą jest sens praktyczny, z tym, że i tu,
    > szczególnie w ostatnich latach, można zobaczyć olbrzymie zainteresowanie
    > elektrolizą prądu przemiennego w syntezie organicznej. Zarzuć googlu
    > alternating current electrolysis organic chemistry i zobacz ile tego
    > wyskakuje.
    > --
    > Marcin
    synteza organiczna / organic chemistry
    a elektroliza wody,
    to chyba robi różnicę

    Alternating current electrolysis for organic synthesis

    01.08.2021 ? Back in the 1930s, Shipley et al. conducted AC electrolysis of several
    organic compounds, including fatty acids and their salts (e.g. potassium acetate,
    potassium propionate, and potassium butyrate), alcohols, aromatic hydrocarbons (e.g.
    benzene, p-xylene, aniline, hydroquinone), thiourea, thiosulphate, acetone,
    thiocyanate, ...

    Autor: Sachini Rodrigo, Disni Gunasekera, Jyoti P. Mahajan, Long Luo

    Publish Year: 2021

    Odkrywaj dalej
    On alternating current electrolysis - Royal Society
    Alternating polarity for enhanced electrochemical synthesis - Reac...
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    Polecane na podstawie tego, co jest popularne o Opinie
    Alternating current electrolysis for organic synthesis

    01.08.2021 ? Electrochemical organic synthesis has recently attracted much attention
    because of its unique reactivity and environmentally benign approach. Conventional
    electrosynthesis uses either constant current or constant potential, known as direct
    current electrolysis. However, recently, alternating current electrolysis has begun
    receiving more attention.

    Autor: Sachini Rodrigo, Disni Gunasekera, Jyoti P. Mahajan, Long Luo

    Publish Year: 2021

    Electroorganic Synthesis Using Alternating Current - Scientific ...

    15.12.2021 ? During the past few years the application of electrochemical methods for
    organic synthesis attracted increasing attention both in academia and industry. 1
    Electroorganic synthesis rely on interaction of the starting materials with
    electrodes in an electrochemical cell to realize redox chemistry. As inert an
    inexpensive substances, such as water, can be used as electron ...
    Development of an Electrolytic System for Non-Kolbe ... - Organic ...

    A novel electrolytic system for non-Kolbe electrolysis based on the acid-base
    reaction between carboxylic acids and solid-supported bases in MeOH provide the
    corresponding methoxylated products in excellent yields. The acid-base reaction
    between carboxylic acids and solid-supported bases preferentially takes place to
    reduce the cell voltage in MeOH.
    Electrolysis and Electrosynthesis of Organic Compounds | Nature

    the general impression left by the perusal of this interesting little work is that
    the whole subject is yet in its infancy, and that the careful study of the influence
    of e.m.f., temperature,...
    Inne zapytania
    What is alternating current (AC) electrolysis?
    Under the constant voltage or current conditions, the electric current only flows in
    one direction, known as direct current (DC) electrolysis. Much less attention has
    been paid to alternating current (AC) electrolysis, where the flow of charge changes
    its direction periodically.

    Alternating current electrolysis for organic synthesis
    Wyszukaj dla:What is alternating current (AC) electrolysis?
    What is direct current (DC) electrolysis?
    Nearly all synthetic organic electrochemical methods use a constant voltage or
    current to drive chemical transformations [ 2, 3, 4 ]. Under the constant voltage or
    current conditions, the electric current only flows in one direction, known as direct
    current (DC) electrolysis.

    Alternating current electrolysis for organic synthesis
    Wyszukaj dla:What is direct current (DC) electrolysis?
    What is organic electrosynthesis?
    Organic electrosynthesis: Electrosynthesis is naturally a huge topic within the field
    of electrochemistry. Although it has an extensive history, it has recently seen a new
    era of growth and is now largely considered its own field rather than simply a

    Organic Electrosynthesis: ChemElectroChem - Chemistry Europe
    Wyszukaj dla:What is organic electrosynthesis?
    Why do we use AC electrolysis for phenol synthesis?
    This study describes the use of AC electrolysis to control the reactive oxygen
    species on the electrode surface for efficient and seletive electrosynthesis of
    phenol from benzene. Studies on alternating-current electrolysis: III. Effects of
    concentration on polarization capacity and polarization resistance

    Alternating current electrolysis for organic synthesis
    Wyszukaj dla:Why do we use AC electrolysis for phenol synthesis?
    Organic Electrosynthesis: ChemElectroChem - Chemistry ...

    04.01.2019 ? Organic electrosynthesis: Electrosynthesis is naturally a huge topic
    within the field of electrochemistry. Although it has an extensive history, it has
    recently seen a new era of growth and is now largely considered its own field rather
    than simply a subdiscipline. This Special Issue highlights the latest research in
    this exciting field. Abstract
    Electrosynthesis gives organic chemists more power - C&EN

    13.03.2017 ? Electrosynthesis gives organic chemists more power Using electric
    current as a reagent streamlines reactions by avoiding hazardous reagents, generating
    less waste, and reducing cost by Stephen K. Ritter March 13, 2017 | A version of this
    story appeared in Volume 95, Issue 11 Credit: Verband der Chemische Industrie/Gerald
    Rapidly alternating polarity stars in selective ... - Chemistry World

    Chemists hadn't clearly answered whether alternating current (AC) would offer
    anything unique, he added. That was interesting because applying electricity to
    organic molecules can provide ...
    Electrolytic CO2 Reduction in Tandem with Oxidative Organic ...

    The electrochem. oxidn. of alcs. is a major focus of energy and chem. conversion
    efforts, with potential applications ranging from fuel cells to biomass utilization
    and fine-chem. synthesis. Small-mol. electrocatalysts for processes of this type are
    promising targets for further development, as demonstrated by recent advances in
    nickel catalysts for electrochem. prodn. ...
    Electrifying Organic Synthesis - Wiebe - Wiley Online Library

    Only very few fluorinated organic compounds occur naturally. 12 Owing to their
    interesting chemical, biological, and physical properties as well as their
    applications, for instance, in

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