
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.samochodyE10Re: E10
  • Path:!!!.POSTED.aacv206.neoplu!not-for-mail
    From: "J.F" <>
    Newsgroups: pl.misc.samochody
    Subject: Re: E10
    Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2023 11:58:49 +0100
    Message-ID: <1iruoj35zkmgz$.1xg1bytaxrhlu$>
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    On Thu, 07 Dec 2023 19:17:42 GMT, PiteR wrote:
    > in <news:ukt3sq$1c7h1$>
    > user Trybun pisze tak:
    >> Ma ktoś wiarygodny wykaz aut i motocykli mogących tankować nową
    >> benzynę? Bo podobno ten wykaz na stronie rządowej to stek bzdur..
    > What happens if you put E10 in an unleaded car?
    > Using E10 will not cause immediate damage to your car, so putting a
    > tank through by accident is no big deal. However, prolonged use can
    > cause long-term problems because ethanol is a solvent and can cause
    > degradation of rubber and plastic components, such as seals, fuel
    > lines and filters.

    Tylko ze benzyna też jest "solvent", a etanol moze być w niej
    dłuższego czasu obecny, choc w mniejszym procencie.

    Ech, przypomiała mi sie reklama na stacji sprzed paru lat
    "nasz ON jest bezpieczny - nie zawiera biokomponentow",
    to wtedy, jak zniesli przymus dodawania :-)

    > Volkswagen
    > With the exception to those models listed below, which used
    > the first generation FSI engines, E10 is cleared for use
    > in all Volkswagen petrol engine vehicles.
    > Bora - 1.6 litre (81kW) FSI Saloon and Estate made from October 2001 to September
    > Golf mark 4 - 1.6 litre (81kW) FSI made from November 2001 to May 2004
    > Golf mark 4 Estate - 1.6 litre (81kW) FSI made from October 2001 to October 2006
    > Golf mark 5 - 1.4 litre (66kW) FSI made from November 2003 to November 2004
    > Golf mark 5 - 1.6 litre (85kw) FSI made from August 2003 to May 2004
    > Golf mark 5 2.0 litre (110 kW) FSI made from January 2004 to May 2004
    > Lupo - 1.4 litre (77kW) FSI made from August 2001 to November 2003
    > Polo - 1.4 litre (63kW) FSI made from February 2002 to June 2006
    > Touran - 1.6 litre (85kW) FSI made from November 2002 to May 2004
    > Touran - 2.0 litre (110kW) FSI made from October 2003 to May 2004
    > NOTE: If your vehicle is listed above you should continue to use
    > E5 petrol. If you are unsure please contact your local VW dealer.

    Ciekawe. Chyba rzeczywiscie cos im szkodzi ... i gdzie - wtryskiwacz
    FSI, czy pompa do niego, lub inne uszczelki?


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