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From: g...@w...studio.tpi.pl (Adam Wysocki)
Newsgroups: pl.internet.polip
Subject: Re: Dziwny problem...
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 15:14:06 +0000 (UTC)
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]Bogusław Faja <z...@i...pl> wrote:
> www.studiocolor.com.pl
1 kat-ru3.neo.tpnet.pl ( 38.608 ms 30.582 ms 31.886 ms
2 z.kat_ru3.do.kat-r2.tpnet.pl ( 31.942 ms 39.099 ms 48.577 ms
3 z.kat-r2.do.war-r3.tpnet.pl ( 31.370 ms 68.234 ms 26.771 ms
4 do-war-tr3.tptransit.pl ( 31.987 ms 31.711 ms 32.307 ms
5 So4-1-0.WRSBB1.Warsaw.opentransit.net ( 31.696 ms 31.625 ms
32.929 ms
6 So2-2-0.FFTCR1.Frankfurt.opentransit.net ( 47.004 ms
So4-1-0.FFTCR1.Frankfurt.opentransit.net ( 47.632 ms
So3-1-0.FFTCR1.Frankfurt.opentransit.net ( 47.593 ms
7 So1-0-0.FFTCR2.Frankfurt.opentransit.net ( 47.698 ms 46.846 ms
47.794 ms
8 so-5-0.core1.Frankfurt1.Level3.net ( 47.791 ms 47.677 ms 47.942
9 ae-0-53.mp1.Frankfurt1.Level3.net ( 48.198 ms 47.627 ms 47.601
10 as-1-0.bbr1.London2.Level3.net ( 64.990 ms 64.626 ms 82.253 ms
11 as-0-0.bbr2.Washington1.Level3.net ( 140.290 ms 191.600 ms
143.869 ms
12 ge-0-1-0.bbr1.Dallas1.Level3.net ( 175.837 ms
so-0-0-0.bbr2.Dallas1.Level3.net ( 177.305 ms
ge-0-1-0.bbr1.Dallas1.Level3.net ( 175.738 ms
13 ge-6-0-0-52.gar1.Dallas1.Level3.net ( 190.842 ms
ge-7-0-0-51.gar1.Dallas1.Level3.net ( 175.738 ms
ge-6-0-0-56.gar1.Dallas1.Level3.net ( 175.674 ms
14 ( 188.350 ms 191.580 ms 191.780 ms
15 dist-vlan31.dsr3-1.dllstx3.theplanet.com ( 192.337 ms 175.764 ms
191.759 ms
16 dist-vlan21.dsr1-1.dllstx2.theplanet.com ( 191.796 ms 191.762 ms
191.720 ms
17 dsr2-2-v2.dllstx4.theplanet.com ( 193.494 ms 191.574 ms 191.942
18 gig1-0-2.tp-car9-2.dllstx4.theplanet.com ( 191.372 ms 191.651 ms
193.870 ms
19 lava.megaserwer.pl ( 190.020 ms 191.613 ms 191.828 ms
Z Atcomu:
1 do-isildur-e0-r2.MAN.atcom.net.pl ( 4.915 ms 3.904 ms 5.105 ms
2 do-isildur-e0-r1.MAN.atcom.net.pl ( 65.705 ms 59.012 ms 15.168
3 QoS-piekna-f0.MAN.atcom.net.pl ( 25.351 ms 100.626 ms 45.848 ms
4 lim3p-gw-f0-1-v109.MAN.atcom.net.pl ( 61.657 ms 53.257 ms
20.111 ms
5 war-lim-i2-feth1-0.telia.net ( 23.106 ms 139.848 ms 77.677 ms
6 war-i3-pos3-1.telia.net ( 120.697 ms 44.866 ms 25.892 ms
7 war-b2-pos6-1.telia.net ( 43.171 ms 32.606 ms 112.296 ms
8 ffm-bb1-pos0-2-0.telia.net ( 73.033 ms 160.669 ms 88.166 ms
9 ffm-b3-pos0-1-0.telia.net ( 122.625 ms 58.995 ms 91.833 ms
10 global-01985-ffm-b3.telia.net ( 84.108 ms 69.527 ms 63.243 ms
11 so0-0-0-2488m.ar1.dal2.gblx.net ( 239.615 ms 178.200 ms 198.298 ms
12 The-Planet.ge-0-2-1.ar1.DAL2.gblx.net ( 204.622 ms 220.199 ms
170.924 ms
13 dist-vlan31.dsr3-1.dllstx3.theplanet.com ( 356.446 ms 198.351 ms
241.054 ms
14 dist-vlan21.dsr1-1.dllstx2.theplanet.com ( 262.176 ms 186.913 ms
174.214 ms
15 dsr2-1-v1.dllstx4.theplanet.com ( 187.689 ms 213.627 ms 207.189 ms
16 gig1-0-2.tp-car9-2.dllstx4.theplanet.com ( 212.959 ms 195.948 ms
180.789 ms
17 lava.megaserwer.pl ( 230.042 ms 190.472 ms 193.030 ms
Z Atmanu (router Transit Global):
1 at-2-2-1.2.ar2.FRA2.gblx.net ( 17.344 ms 17.316 ms 87.906 ms
2 so0-0-0-2488m.ar1.dal2.gblx.net ( 142.060 ms 142.004 ms 142.097 ms
3 The-Planet.ge-0-2-1.ar1.DAL2.gblx.net ( 142.021 ms 142.119 ms
142.128 ms
4 dist-vlan31.dsr3-1.dllstx3.theplanet.com ( 142.113 ms 142.259 ms
142.072 ms
5 dist-vlan21.dsr1-1.dllstx2.theplanet.com ( 142.520 ms 142.605 ms
142.484 ms
6 dsr2-1-v2.dllstx4.theplanet.com ( 142.887 ms 142.700 ms 142.639
7 gig1-0-2.tp-car9-2.dllstx4.theplanet.com ( 146.783 ms 143.160 ms
142.815 ms
8 lava.megaserwer.pl ( 148.917 ms 143.132 ms 143.047 ms
Z Aster:
1 254-tor-4.acn.waw.pl ( 170.666 ms 104.615 ms 100.850 ms
2 Tor-do-MiaCORE.net.aster.pl ( 15.434 ms 8.008 ms 22.536 ms
3 * * *
4 war-i5-geth2-0.telia.net ( 7.128 ms 10.070 ms 9.316 ms
5 war-b2-pos13-0.telia.net ( 15.577 ms 8.595 ms 11.166 ms
6 ffm-bb1-pos0-2-0.telia.net ( 40.542 ms 37.252 ms 36.460 ms
7 ffm-b3-pos0-0-0-0.telia.net ( 39.308 ms 39.808 ms 48.278 ms
8 global-01985-ffm-b3.telia.net ( 41.435 ms 38.594 ms 36.059 ms
9 so0-0-0-2488m.ar1.dal2.gblx.net ( 180.497 ms * 164.020 ms
10 The-Planet.ge-0-2-1.ar1.DAL2.gblx.net ( 191.217 ms 155.617 ms
154.941 ms
11 dist-vlan31.dsr3-1.dllstx3.theplanet.com ( 168.741 ms 161.662 ms
249.577 ms
12 dist-vlan21.dsr1-1.dllstx2.theplanet.com ( 154.046 ms 176.510 ms
185.739 ms
13 dsr2-2-v2.dllstx4.theplanet.com ( 153.712 ms 167.588 ms 155.750
14 gig1-0-2.tp-car9-2.dllstx4.theplanet.com ( 156.073 ms 310.745 ms
172.168 ms
15 lava.megaserwer.pl ( 156.344 ms 160.117 ms 154.196 ms
Generalnie działa.
Adam Wysocki * http://www.gophi.apcoh.org/ * GG 1234 * GSM 508878856
Porządek to jedna z nieskończenie wielu wersja chaosu (C) Beiru 2003
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