
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.samochodyRe: Dobla Tesla, dobla....Re: Dobla Tesla, dobla....
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    From: "J.F." <>
    Newsgroups: pl.misc.samochody
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    Subject: Re: Dobla Tesla, dobla....
    Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 14:56:59 +0200
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    Użytkownik "Przemek Jedrzejczak" napisał w wiadomości grup
    >--Przede wszystkim - oni go juz chyba nawet nie reklamuja jako
    >autonomiczny samochod.

    >nie jest autonomiczny lecz Full Self-Driving Capability.

    No, ciekawe.
    Bo to grozi wielkimi odszkodowaniami.
    Ale moze Musk sie nie boi - ma wiecej pieniedzy na adwokatow :-)

    Autopilot and Full Self-Driving Capability are intended for use with a
    fully attentive driver, who has their hands on the wheel and is
    prepared to take over at any moment.

    While these features are designed to become more capable over time,
    the currently enabled features do not make the vehicle autonomous.

    The currently enabled features require active driver supervision and
    do not make the vehicle autonomous.
    The activation and use of these features are dependent on achieving
    reliability far in excess of human drivers as demonstrated by billions
    of miles of experience, as well as regulatory approval, which may take
    longer in some jurisdictions.
    As these self-driving features evolve, your car will be continuously
    upgraded through over-the-air software updates.

    No i nie rozumiem - to sa te funkcje, czy sa, ale nie powinienem
    uzywac, bo nie maja "regulatory approval" ?

    >glowny zarzut to ze Tesla nie posiada eye tracking co dopuszcza
    >sytuacje kiedy kierowca czyta ksiazke lub spi podczas jazdy :-)

    W USA ro moze byc powazny zarzut...

    >Tesla executives including Chief Executive Elon Musk rejected the
    >ideas because of costs and concerns that the technology was
    >ineffective or would annoy drivers with overly sensitive sensors that
    >would beep too often, the people said.

    >Musk oczywiscie zaprzeczyl ze to sprawa kosztow niech bedzie ze
    >wierzymy :-)

    Za takie oszczednosci amerykanskie sady potrafia przywalic :-)

    >Musk mija sie z prawda ale pare wypadkow w USA z konkretnym
    >odszkodowaniem i zmieni zdanie :-)

    No wlasnie - pare wypadkow juz bylo, ale widac sie jakos dogadali ...


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