
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.elektronikaDS1678 problem... › Re: DS1678 problem...
  • Data: 2012-06-22 01:41:29
    Temat: Re: DS1678 problem...
    Od: "sundayman" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    No bardzo ciekawe;
    W General Desription stoi : "Events can be logged while the device is operating
    from either VCC or VBAT."

    A dalej
    "When VCC falls below VBAT, the device switches into a low-current
    battery-backup mode. Upon power-up, the device switches from battery power to
    VCC when VCC is greater than VBAT + 0.2V, and recognizes inputs from the system
    when VCC is greater than 1.25 x VBAT by releasing control of the write
    protection on the I2C bus."

    No kuśwa nie rozumiem chyba - to co ma mi ta bateria podtrzymać ??

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