
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.elektronikaCzy tylko ja widze te durne reklamy na p.m.e ?Re: Czy tylko ja widze te durne reklamy na p.m.e ?
  • X-Received: by 2002:a05:690c:4289:b0:5cb:cd80:bc4c with SMTP id
    gj9-20020a05690c428900b005cbcd80bc4cmr618998ywb.8.1701377950220; Thu, 30
    Nov 2023 12:59:10 -0800 (PST)
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    Nov 2023 12:59:10 -0800 (PST)
    Newsgroups: pl.misc.elektronika
    Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 12:59:09 -0800 (PST)
    In-Reply-To: <ukarhb$kvt$1$>
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    Message-ID: <>
    Subject: Re: Czy tylko ja widze te durne reklamy na p.m.e ?
    From: a a <>
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    Xref: pl.misc.elektronika:785547
    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    On Thursday, 30 November 2023 at 21:39:26 UTC+1, Grzegorz Niemirowski wrote:
    > a a <> napisał(a):
    > > To z serwerów usenetowych pochodzi spam reklamowy a nagłówki są
    > > modyfikoane przez skrypty
    > To jest Twoja teoria, na którą nie masz żadnych dowodów. Poza tym zauważ, że
    > nawet jak sobie niewiadomo jakie cuda wpiszesz w Path, to i tak serwery,
    > które biorą wiadomości od Ciebie, wpiszą do Path twój serwer. Więc i tak
    > takie oszukiwanie szybko wyjdzie na jaw.
    > > Google Groups obsługiwane są przez przeglądarke a tam działa Captcha
    > Myślisz, że CAPTCHA jest zabezpieczeniem, którego nie można obejść?
    > --
    > Grzegorz Niemirowski

    Obejść można wszystko, ale roboty wysyłają milion y spamu do usenetu i ten traffic
    codziennie rośnie i przejmuje kolejną grupę

    Captcha z obrazkami nie da się obejśc, bo trzeba identyfikować obiekty na obrazkach
    a z tym nie radzi sobie nawet AI, bo nie ma procesu uczenia się bo obrazki i test
    jest ciągle aktualizowany

    A tutaj opis protokołu Usenet
    i sam konfigurujesz na serwerze, co ma być dodane do Path jako twój host name

    Standard for Interchange of USENET Messages


    This document defines the standard format for the interchange of network News
    messages among USENET hosts. It updates and replaces RFC-850, reflecting version
    B2.11 of the News program. This memo is disributed as an RFC to make this information
    easily accessible to the Internet community. It does not specify an Internet
    standard. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

    [Hypertext markup by Tim Berners-Lee March1994]

    1. Introduction
    This document defines the standard format for the interchange of network News
    messages among USENET hosts. It describes the format for messages themselves and
    gives partial standards for transmission of news. The news transmission is not
    entirely in order to give a good deal of flexibility to the hosts to choose
    transmission hardware and software, to batch news, and so on.

    There are five sections to this document. Section two defines the format. Section
    three defines the valid control messages. Section four specifies some valid
    transmission methods. Section five describes the overall news propagation algorithm.

    2. Message Format
    The primary consideration in choosing a message format is that it fit in with
    existing tools as well as possible. Existing tools include implementations of both
    mail and news. (The notesfiles system from the University of Illinois is considered a
    news implementation.) A standard format for mail messages has existed for many years
    on the Internet, and this format meets most of the needs of USENET. Since the
    Internet format is extensible, extensions to meet the additional needs of USENET are
    easily made within the Internet standard. Therefore, the rule is adopted that all
    USENET news messages must be formatted as valid Internet mail messages, according to
    the Internet standard RFC-822. The USENET News standard is more restrictive than the
    Internet standard, placing additional requirements on each message and forbidding use
    of certain Internet features. However, it should always be possible to use a tool
    expecting an Internet message to process a news message. In any situation where this
    standard conflicts with the Internet standard, RFC-822 should be considered correct
    and this standard in error.

    Here is an example USENET message to illustrate the fields.

    From: j...@e...ATT.COM (Jerry Schwarz)
    Path: cbosgd!mhuxj!mhuxt!eagle!jerry
    Newsgroups: news.announce
    Subject: Usenet Etiquette -- Please Read
    Message-ID: <6...@e...ATT.COM>
    Date: Fri, 19 Nov 82 16:14:55 GMT
    Followup-To: news.misc
    Expires: Sat, 1 Jan 83 00:00:00 -0500
    Organization: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill

    The body of the message comes here, after a blank line.

    Here is an example of a message in the old format (before the existence of this
    standard). It is recommended that implementations also accept messages in this format
    to ease upward conversion.

    From: cbosgd!mhuxj!mhuxt!eagle!jerry (Jerry Schwarz)
    Newsgroups: news.misc
    Title: Usenet Etiquette -- Please Read
    Article-I.D.: eagle.642
    Posted: Fri Nov 19 16:14:55 1982
    Received: Fri Nov 19 16:59:30 1982
    Expires: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1990

    The body of the message comes here, after a blank line.

    Some news systems transmit news in the A format, which looks like this:

    Fri Nov 19 16:14:55 1982
    Usenet Etiquette - Please Read
    The body of the message comes here, with no blank line.

    A standard USENET message consists of several header lines, followed by a blank line,
    followed by the body of the message. Each header line consists of a keyword, a colon,
    a blank, and some additional information. This is a subset of the Internet standard,
    simplified to allow simpler software to handle it. The "From" line may optionally
    include a full name, in the format above, or use the Internet angle bracket syntax.
    To keep the implementations simple, other formats (for example, with part of the
    machine address after the close parenthesis) are not allowed. The Internet convention
    of continuation header lines (beginning with a blank or tab) is allowed.

    Certain headers are required, and certain other headers are optional. Any
    unrecognized headers are allowed, and will be passed through unchanged. The required
    header lines are "From", "Date", "Newsgroups", "Subject", "Message-ID", and "Path".
    The optional header lines are "Followup-To", "Expires", "Reply-To", "Sender",
    "References", "Control", "Distribution", "Keywords", "Summary", "Approved", "Lines",
    "Xref", and "Organization". Each of these header lines will be described below.

    2.1. Required Header lines

    2.1.1. From
    The "From" line contains the electronic mailing address of the person who sent the
    message, in the Internet syntax. It may optionally also contain the full name of the
    person, in parentheses, after the electronic address. The electronic address is the
    same as the entity responsible for originating the message, unless the "Sender"
    header is present, in which case the "From" header might not be verified. Note that
    in all host and domain names, upper and lower case are considered the same, thus
    "m...@c...ATT.COM", "", and "m...@C...ATt.COm" are all
    equivalent. User names may or may not be case sensitive, for example,
    "B...@c...ATT.COM" might be different from "B...@c...ATT.COM". Programs
    should avoid changing the case of electronic addresses when forwarding news or mail.

    RFC-822 specifies that all text in parentheses is to be interpreted as a comment. It
    is common in Internet mail to place the full name of the user in a comment at the end
    of the "From" line. This standard specifies a more rigid syntax. The full name is not
    considered a comment, but an optional part of the header line. Either the full name
    is omitted, or it appears in parentheses after the electronic address of the person
    posting the message, or it appears before an electronic address which is enclosed in
    angle brackets. Thus, the three permissible forms are:

    From: m...@c...ATT.COM
    From: m...@c...ATT.COM (Mark Horton)
    From: Mark Horton <m...@c...ATT.COM>

    Full names may contain any printing ASCII characters from space through tilde, except
    that they may not contain "(" (left parenthesis), ")" (right parenthesis), "<" (left
    angle bracket), or ">" (right angle bracket). Additional restrictions may be placed
    on full names by the mail standard, in particular, the characters "," (comma), ":"
    (colon), "@" (at), "!" (bang), "/" (slash), "=" (equal), and ";" (semicolon) are
    inadvisable in full names.

    2.1.2. Date
    The "Date" line (formerly "Posted") is the date that the message was originally
    posted to the network. Its format must be acceptable both in RFC-822 and to the
    getdate(3) routine that is provided with the Usenet software. This date remains
    unchanged as the message is propagated throughout the network. One format that is
    acceptable to both is:


    Several examples of valid dates appear in the sample message above. Note in
    particular that ctime(3) format:

    Wdy Mon DD HH:MM:SS YYYY

    is not acceptable because it is not a valid RFC-822 date. However, since older
    software still generates this format, news implementations are encouraged to accept
    this format and translate it into an acceptable format.

    There is no hope of having a complete list of timezones. Universal Time (GMT), the
    North American timezones (PST, PDT, MST, MDT, CST, CDT, EST, EDT) and the +/-hhmm
    offset specifed in RFC-822 should be supported. It is recommended that times in
    message headers be transmitted in GMT and displayed in the local time zone.

    2.1.3. Newsgroups
    The "Newsgroups" line specifies the newsgroup or newsgroups in which the message
    belongs. Multiple newsgroups may be specified, separated by a comma. Newsgroups
    specified must all be the names of existing newsgroups, as no new newsgroups will be
    created by simply posting to them.

    Wildcards (e.g., the word "all") are never allowed in a "News- groups" line. For
    example, a newsgroup comp.all is illegal, although a newsgroup is

    If a message is received with a "Newsgroups" line listing some valid newsgroups and
    some invalid newsgroups, a host should not remove invalid newsgroups from the list.
    Instead, the invalid newsgroups should be ignored. For example, suppose host A
    subscribes to the classes btl.all and comp.all, and exchanges news messages with host
    B, which subscribes to comp.all but not btl.all. Suppose A receives a message with
    Newsgroups: comp.unix,btl.general.

    This message is passed on to B because B receives comp.unix, but B does not receive
    btl.general. A must leave the "Newsgroups" line unchanged. If it were to remove
    btl.general, the edited header could eventually re-enter the btl.all class, resulting
    in a message that is not shown to users subscribing to btl.general. Also, follow-ups
    from outside btl.all would not be shown to such users.

    2.1.4. Subject
    The "Subject" line (formerly "Title") tells what the message is about. It should be
    suggestive enough of the contents of the message to enable a reader to make a
    decision whether to read the message based on the subject alone. If the message is
    submitted in response to another message (e.g., is a follow-up) the default subject
    should begin with the four characters "Re:", and the "References" line is required.
    For follow-ups, the use of the "Summary" line is encouraged.

    2.1.5. Message-ID
    The "Message-ID" line gives the message a unique identifier. The Message-ID may not
    be reused during the lifetime of any previous message with the same Message-ID. (It
    is recommended that no Message-ID be reused for at least two years.) Message-ID's
    have the syntax:

    <string not containing blank or ">">

    In order to conform to RFC-822, the Message-ID must have the format:


    where full_domain_name is the full name of the host at which the message entered the
    network, including a domain that host is in, and unique is any string of printing
    ASCII characters, not including "<" (left angle bracket), ">" (right angle bracket),
    or "@" (at sign).

    For example, the unique part could be an integer representing a sequence number for
    messages submitted to the network, or a short string derived from the date and time
    the message was created. For example, a valid Message-ID for a message submitted from
    host ucbvax in domain "Berkeley.EDU" would be "<4...@u...Berkeley.EDU>".
    Programmers are urged not to make assumptions about the content of Message-ID fields
    from other hosts, but to treat them as unknown character strings. It is not safe, for
    example, to assume that a Message-ID will be under 14 characters, that it is unique
    in the first 14 characters, nor that is does not contain a "/".

    The angle brackets are considered part of the Message-ID. Thus, in references to the
    Message-ID, such as the ihave/sendme and cancel control messages, the angle brackets
    are included. White space characters (e.g., blank and tab) are not allowed in a
    Message-ID. Slashes ("/") are strongly discouraged. All characters between the angle
    brackets must be printing ASCII characters.

    2.1.6. Path
    This line shows the path the message took to reach the current system. When a system
    forwards the message, it should add its own name to the list of systems in the "Path"
    line. The names may be separated by any punctuation character or characters (except
    "." which is considered part of the hostname). Thus, the following are valid entries:

    cbosgd, mhuxj, mhuxt
    teklabs, zehntel, sri-unix@cca!decvax

    (The latter path indicates a message that passed through decvax, cca, sri-unix,
    zehntel, and teklabs, in that order.) Additional names should be added from the left.
    For example, the most recently added name in the fourth example was teklabs. Letters,
    digits, periods and hyphens are considered part of host names; other punctuation,
    including blanks, are considered separators.

    Normally, the rightmost name will be the name of the originating system. However, it
    is also permissible to include an extra entry on the right, which is the name of the
    sender. This is for upward compatibility with older systems.

    The "Path" line is not used for replies, and should not be taken as a mailing
    address. It is intended to show the route the message traveled to reach the local
    host. There are several uses for this information. One is to monitor USENET routing
    for performance reasons. Another is to establish a path to reach new hosts. Perhaps
    the most important use is to cut down on redundant USENET traffic by failing to
    forward a message to a host that is known to have already received it. In particular,
    when host A sends a message to host B, the "Path" line includes A, so that host B
    will not immediately send the message back to host A. The name each host uses to
    identify itself should be the same as the name by which its neighbors know it, in
    order to make this optimization possible.

    A host adds its own name to the front of a path when it receives a message from
    another host. Thus, if a message with path "A!X!Y!Z" is passed from host A to host B,
    B will add its own name to the path when it receives the message from A, e.g.,
    "B!A!X!Y!Z". If B then passes the message on to C, the message sent to C will contain
    the path "B!A!X!Y!Z", and when C receives it, C will change it to "C!B!A!X!Y!Z".

    Special upward compatibility note: Since the "From", "Sender", and "Reply-To" lines
    are in Internet format, and since many USENET hosts do not yet have mailers capable
    of understanding Internet format, it would break the reply capability to completely
    sever the connection between the "Path" header and the reply function. It is
    recognized that the path is not always a valid reply string in older implementations,
    and no requirement to fix this problem is placed on implementations. However, the
    existing convention of placing the host name and an "!" at the front of the path, and
    of starting the path with the host name, an "!", and the user name, should be
    maintained when possible.

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