Data: 2011-05-25 14:03:12
Temat: Re: Co ma Objective-C czego nie ma C++?
Od: A.L. <l...@a...com> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]On Wed, 25 May 2011 08:20:48 +0000 (UTC), "Stachu 'Dozzie' K."
<d...@g...eat.some.screws.spammer.invalid> wrote:
>On 2011-05-24, A.L <l...@a...com> wrote:
>> No dobrze, ale co ma to wspolnego z MODELEM OBIEKTOWOSCI?...
>A.L., podaj po prostu przykład języka o innym modelu obiektowości niż
>pochodzący z Simuli. Wtedy twoi rozmówcy będą widzieli o czym mówisz.
Prosze bardzo. Ada na przyklad. Ackolwiek specyfikacja jezyka mowi o
"class", nei sa to klasy w sensie Simuli:
A programmer studying the object-oriented features of
Ada 9X [5], maybe astonished by the use of the term class,
i.e. a set of types sharing common properties and closed
under derivation, and by the lack of a syntactic constmct
called class or object.
Moreover, whereas classes, types and modules share the
same syntactic construct in the Simula-based object-oriented
languages (like Eiffel) or extensions (like C++),
Ada 9X makes a point of keeping the package as basic construct
for modularity and encapsulation, and the type as construct
for describing the properties of objects. It would have
been misleading to introduce class types or typed packzzges,
since both of these extensions would have introduced adhoc
and redundant constructs in the language.
Ada is not the only language to keep this distinction. Other
modern programming languages such as Modula-3 [9] and
Oberon-2 [23] incorporate the same design choice. However,
whereas these programming languages are built on flat
namespaces, Ada is the only language to have enhanced the
concept of modularity to take object-oriented systems into
account for the management of the namespace with hierarchical
Ada 9X refines the type derivation
mechanism by introducing tagged types and type extension.
A tagged type is a record type the derivatives of which
can be extended with additional components.
Working with Ada 9X classes
Author: Stéphane Barbey Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in
Lausanne, Software Engineering Laboratory, EPFL-DI-LGL, CH-1015
Lausanne, Switzerland
? Proceeding
TRI-Ada '94 Proceedings of the conference on TRI-Ada '94
ACM New York, NY, USA (C)1994
Podobnie jezyk Oberon (ten od Wirtha) ma obiektowosc oparta o "derived
types" i "tpe extension". Artykul jest tutaj
Zrwszta, model Ady zostal wziety z idei Wirtha
Inny model to model oparty o prototypy, a najbardziej znanym
reprezentatnem ejst jezyk Self
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