
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.comp.programmingCo jest nie tak z C++ (było: Rust)Re: Co jest nie tak z C++ (było: Rust)
  • Data: 2017-08-22 10:21:50
    Temat: Re: Co jest nie tak z C++ (było: Rust)
    Od: szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    W dniu wtorek, 22 sierpnia 2017 09:42:53 UTC+2 użytkownik M.M. napisał:

    > > Tak! Madrze ktos zacytowal filozofa: "granice mego jezyka wytyczaja granice mego
    > > Twoj swiat bolesnie ograniczaja kraty ++.
    > Ale jaka konkretnie mądrość z tego cytatu płynie w kontekście
    > języków programowania?

    Pozwolę sobie odpowiedzieć nieco większym cytatem, pochodzącym od
    Alana Kaya, twórcy języka Smalltalk:

    Allen Newell visited PARC with his theory of hierarchical thinking
    and was challenged to prove it. He was given a programming problem
    to solve while the protocol was collected. The problem was: given
    a list of items, produce a list consisting of all of the odd indexed
    items followed by all of the even indexed items. Newell's internal
    programming language resembled IPL-V in which pointers are manipulated
    explicitly, and he got into quite a struggle to do the program.
    In 2 seconds I wrote down:

    oddsEvens(x) = append(odds(x), evens(x))

    the statement of the problem in Landin's LISP syntax--and also
    the first part of the solution. Then a few seconds later:

    where odds(x) = if null(x) ? null(tl(x)) then x
    else hd(x) & odds(ttl(x))
    evens(x) = if null(x) ? null(tl(x)) then nil
    else odds(tl(x))

    This characteristic of writing down many solutions in declarative
    form and have them also be the programs is part of the appeal
    and beauty of this kind of language. Watching a famous guy much
    smarter than I struggle for more than 30 minutes to not quite
    solve the problem his way (there was a bug) made quite an impression.
    It brought home to me once again that "point of view is worth 80 IQ points."
    I wasn't smarter but I had a much better internal thinking tool to
    amplify my abilities.

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