
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.elektronikaBateria Makita 18V › Re: Bateria Makita 18V
  • Data: 2021-09-23 01:29:49
    Temat: Re: Bateria Makita 18V
    Od: "J.F" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    On Wed, 22 Sep 2021 22:58:09 +0200, Janusz wrote:
    > W dniu 2021-09-22 o 07:14, J.F pisze:
    >> On Tue, 21 Sep 2021 22:46:25 +0200, Janusz wrote:
    >>> W dniu 2021-09-21 o 19:59, J.F pisze:
    >>>> On Tue, 21 Sep 2021 14:55:47 +0200, Janusz wrote:
    >>>>> W dniu 2021-09-21 o 10:44, Waldek pisze:
    >>>>> W tych chińskich nie ma balancera, tak to wygląda w środku
    >>>>> Jest tylko odcinanie akumulatora.
    >>>> Na oko to sa jednak kabelki do kazdego ogniwa osobno,
    >>>> a ten scalak ... moze tylko monitor, a moze i balancer.
    >>> Jeśli już to monitor, napięcie na scalak jest podawane przez dzielniki.
    >>> Do balancera musiałby być tranzystory mocy na każde ogniwo a ich tam niema,
    >> Niekoniecznie, np
    > Przeczytaj ze zrozumieniem to zdanie.
    > "The device includes a high accuracy
    > monitoring system, a highly configurable protection subsystem, and
    > support for autonomous or host controlled
    > cell balancing. "
    > I odpowiedz na pytanie, gdzie pisze że ten scalak SAM balansuje ogniwa i
    > czym.

    A w pdf
    The BQ76942 device supports passive cell balancing by bypassing the
    current of selected cells during charging or at rest, using either
    integrated bypass switches between cells, or external bypass FET
    The device incorporates a voltage-based balancing algorithm which can
    optionally balance cells autonomously without requiring any
    interaction with a host processor.

    Or if preferred, balancing can be entirely controlled manually
    from a host processor.

    For autonomous balancing, the device will only balance non-adjacent
    cells in use (it does not consider inputs used to measure interconnect
    as cells in use).

    In order to avoid excessive power dissipation within the BQ76942
    device, the maximum number of cells allowed to balance simultaneously
    can be limited by setting Settings:Cell Balancing Config:Cell Balance
    Max Cells.


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