Data: 2009-02-27 09:49:55
Temat: Re: Baardzo nietuzinkowy problem z LPT1
Od: "wiotki joe" <w...@i...pl> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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> Co to może być?
Jak klucz stary to może poprostu się nie wyrabia.
Spróbuj tego:
Depending on the speed of the CPU and on other parts of the hardware
configuration of the PC used, setting an environment variable SSI_ACT can be
required. This fixes most problems, with typical symptom being that the
dongle is reported missing. In a few odd cases we have seen strange things
such as general protection fault go away with this kind setting.
How to set an environment variable depends on the OS you are using:
For windows 3.x, 95, 98, ME: please add a line
to your autoexec.bat and reboot. Note that no spaces are allowed around the
equal sign.
For windows NT, 2000, XP: please use right mouse button on the "My Computer"
icon, select the "Properties" dialog, environment tab. Enter SSI_ACT in the
variable box, and X,Y,Z in the value box. Remember to click the Apply button
to ensure that your setting takes effect.
What value to use for X,Y,Z varies, please try 100,100,200 and increment in
steps of 50 if required (e.g., 150,150,250).
Następne wpisy z tego wątku
- 27.02.09 13:13 Karol
- 27.02.09 13:16 Karol
- 27.02.09 13:17 Karol
- 27.02.09 13:29 jureq
- 27.02.09 14:15 Karol
- 27.02.09 16:01 BQB
- 27.02.09 21:25 RudeBoy
- 28.02.09 10:01 Yakhub
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