
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.telefonia.gsmAMOLED czy IPS TFT, co lepsze?Re: AMOLED czy IPS TFT, co lepsze?
  • Data: 2016-10-03 09:21:47
    Temat: Re: AMOLED czy IPS TFT, co lepsze?
    Od: atm <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    On 03.10.2016 05:30, Yerine Ictimai wrote:
    > Yerine Ictimai <> Wrote in message:
    >> Ale takie coś jak rozdzielenie gwarancji na software i na hardware
    >> akurat jest sprawę wybitnie umowną
    > In EU that's the 1999/44/CE directive that protect consumers in
    > case of faults rendering the product unusable (definitely not the
    > case everywhere in the rest of the world). And it's up to the
    > manufacturer to prove that the fault is induced by a wrong
    > software manipulation. In the case that this happens in the first
    > 6 months then it is assumed it's a manufacturing
    > fault.
    > Obviously it does not cover wrong hardware manipulations, water,
    > etc.. which is not covered.
    > It has been transposed to EU member states in 2014.
    > Each case is different but generally, rooting, custom ROM,.. do
    > not void your 2 years warranty in EU.
    > -------------------------------
    > Ładnie to tak dzieci straszyć? :P

    Brzmi fajnie ale moze masz z polskiego rynku jakies przypadki kiedy
    klientowi udalo sie wyegzekwowac to prawo?
    W kazdym razie dzieki za info, napisze do Samsung Polska.

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