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From: PiteR <e...@f...pl>
Newsgroups: pl.misc.samochody
Subject: Re: A u nas by dostal dwa w zawiasach i zostalby kierowca MZK w W-wie
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2021 23:35:23 GMT
Organization: vw watercooled
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]in <news:rdfrct$1r7$1$horizn@news.chmurka.net>
user K pisze tak:
> On 30/06/2020 17:50, J.F. wrote:
>> Użytkownik "K" napisał w wiadomości grup
>> dyskusyjnych:rdfekh$ov1$1$h...@n...chmurka.net... On
>> 30/06/2020 14:11, PiteR wrote:
>>>>> a tym czasem w identycznej wystuacji amerykanie swoim
>>>>> najwierniejszym lokajom pokazuja wielkiego chuja:
>>>>> https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-northamptonshi
>>>> https://www.npr.org/2020/01/24/799143167/u-s-wont-ha
>>>> -of-american-diplomat-wanted-in-fatal-u-k-car-crash?
>>>> 427
>>>> https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/harr
>>>> -anne-sacoolas-us-ambassador-extradition-notice-uk-a
>>> Tylko, ze zarowno ona jak i jej maz nie mieli immunitetu.
>> Nie mieli ?
>> Immunitet dla dyplomatow jest raczej standardowo.
>>> Jest szansa na proces w USA ale obstawiam, ze gowno jej zrobia,
>>> a z kraju nigdy nie wyjedzie ze wzgledu na note Interpolu.
>> Za to odszkodowanie moze byc potezne :-)
>> J.
> Problem w tym, ze oni oboje nie byli dylomatami:
> "The collision became the subject of a diplomatic dispute when
> Sacoolas left the country shortly after the incident and the US
> embassy said she had diplomatic immunity as the wife of a US agent
> working in the UK. The Washington Examiner reported that Jonathan
> Sacoolas did not work for the National Security Agency, and that
> the Sacoolas family lived in Northern Virginia in the area of the
> Central Intelligence Agency Langley headquarters.
> Dunn's parents were advised by two leading specialist lawyers on
> diplomatic immunity, Mark Stephens and Geoffrey Robertson. They
> advised that Anne Sacoolas was not entitled to diplomatic
> immunity, as her husband was not listed as a diplomat.
> Furthermore, they contended, diplomatic immunity no longer applied
> upon Sacoolas's return to her home country; therefore, it would be
> possible to take civil action in the US courts. The Foreign
> Secretary, Dominic Raab, also stated that diplomatic immunity no
> longer applied. Dunn's parents, in order to get justice for their
> son, decided to travel to the US to "fight for change" and seek
> the return of Sacoolas to the UK."
> i:
> "On 11 May 2020, an Interpol Red Notice was issued for Sacoolas's
> arrest."
The new Biden administration has said the US government's decision to
refuse an extradition request for Harry Dunn's alleged killer was
Mr Dunn, 19, died when his motorbike was in a crash with a car near RAF
Croughton, Northamptonshire, in 2019.
The suspect, Anne Sacoolas, later left for the United States on
diplomatic immunity grounds.
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