
eGospodarka.plGrupypl.misc.samochodyNews Software. Get TOP in the mass media and SE.News Software. Get TOP in the mass media and SE.
  • Data: 2012-10-24 14:17:15
    Temat: News Software. Get TOP in the mass media and SE.
    Od: Quintin <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    News Software. Get TOP in the mass media and SE. Multithreaded submitting: over 500
    running threads possible! Software can registration and posts message, able to work
    with lots of different types of resources. Over 200. Automatically fill in the
    required fields. The powerful built-in proxy-server. Protection bypass from automatic
    registration:tickets, captcha, E-mail activation, Java-script, ect. A built-in
    proprietary "Question-answer" and Antispam system. A variations system. Protect your
    posts from being filtered out by Panda and ect. User-friendly interface: you only
    need to choose the proper links database, create a message text and hit the 'Start'

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